
iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 2 0 3 9 iTSSe TSS 3 SOCIETY NEWS TSS ANNOUNCES NEW BOARD MEMBERS The ASM Thermal Spray Society announces the officers and board members as of 2020. William Lenling, FASM, founder and chief technical officer, Thermal Spray Tech- nologies Inc., succeeds as president of TSS, while André McDonald, FASM, professor and associate chair (research), University of Alberta, Canada, remains on the board as imme- diate past president. Rogerio Lima, senior research officer, National Research Council of Canada, will serve as vice presi- dent and Andrew Ang, research engineer, Swinburne Univer- sity of Technology, Australia, will serve as secretary/treasurer. Officers serve a two-year term. Friedrich Herold, Castolin Eutectic, was reappointed to the board for a second three-year term. Thomas Klassen, professor, Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg, Germany, and Filofteia-Laura Toma, professor, Fraunhofer Institute Material and Beam Technology (IWS), Dresden, Germany, were appointed to the board for a three-year term. EdwardGildersleeve, Stony Brook University, was reap- pointed as student board member and Daniel Tejero Martin, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom, was also appoint- ed as student board member. Both appointments are for one year. Lenling McDonald Gildersleeve ASM THERMAL SPRAY BOARD SEEKS NOMINATIONS The ASM TSS Nominating Committee is currently seek- ing nominations to fill three board member positions. Candi- dates for these director positions can be from any segment of the thermal spray community. Nominees must be a member of the ASM Thermal Spray Society and must be endorsed by five TSS members. Board members whose terms are expiring may be eligible for nomination and possible reelection on an equal basis with any other nominee . Nominations must be received no later thanMarch 1, 2021. Forms can be found at For more information, contact Mary Anne Jerson at 440.671.3877, maryanne.jerson@asminterna- SOLICITING STUDENT MEMBERS FOR TSS BOARD The ASM Thermal Spray Society is seeking applicants for the two student board member positions. Nominations are due by April 1, 2021. Students must be a registered under- graduate or graduate during the 2021-2022 academic year andmust be studying or involved in research in an area close- ly related to the field of thermal spray technology. For more information on eligibility and benefits, visit tss.asminterna- Lima Ang Herold Klassen Toma Martin ERRATA The July/August issue of iTSSe included a mistype in the article, “Cold Spray: Warming Up to Hotter Parti- cles” by Bertrand Jodoin et al. The last sentence of the first paragraph on page 57 should read: Alternatively, η can be increased by lowering v cr .