
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 2 0 2 1 often used to manufacture combus- tion zone components for gas turbine engines in both aerospace and power generation applications. Parts 3D print- ed with Hastelloy X are exceptionally strong, with cyclic fatigue strength, cor- rosion resistance, and creep resistance that deliver durability over time and de- crease equipment downtime. Sierra Turbines recently partnered with an advanced AM system provid- er to print a prototype for its 20-kW mi- croturbine engine with an innovative unicore made with Hastelloy X (Fig. 4). Realizing that time between overhaul (TBO) for most small turbine engines averages 40 to 50 hours, the company has a goal of raising that to 1000+ hours (on par with commercial aircraft), due in large part to the durability of the su- peralloy. Other goals include reduc- ing engine weight to a kilogram or less, something enabled by the design free- dom and extreme part consolidation (61 parts down to one) provided by the support-free printing process of mod- ern AM technology. CURRENT VERSUS ADVANCED AM SYSTEMS Historically, metal additive man- ufacturing systems have not been able to efficiently deliver desirable part char- acteristics without resorting to multiple print runs, a litany of post-processing steps, and/or extensive finished-part testing (both destructive and non- destructive). But recent advancements in process control, hardware innova- tion, and quality assurance are nowpro- ducing first-run results in record time. These advanced AM systems are em- powering engineering teams to make decisions about materials based on precise performance goals and achieve 3D-printed parts that meet or exceed the strictest specifications in their in- dustries. ~AM&P For more information: Will Hasting, director of aviation and power tur- bine solutions, VELO3D, 511 Division St., Campbell, CA 95008, 408.610.3915, info@velo3d.com , velo3d.com.