
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 5 7 MD CORNER Burke Named 2020 Sorby Lecturer Prof. M. Grace Burke, FASM, has been named the 2020 Henry Clifton Sorby Awardee. Burke is director of the Materials Performance Centre at the University of Manchester, U.K. She is well known for her work on advanced microstructural characterization tech- niques and their application to address environment-sensitive materials deg- radation issues in nuclear power sys- tems. She has been a lead researcher at the Bettis Atomic Power Laboratory, Westinghouse Science and Technology Center, and the University of Pittsburgh. Prof. Burke’s advice related to her knowledge and leadership in nuclear technology, has been sought by gov- ernment agencies in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. She is an internationally recognized expert in specific technique developments and groundbreaking applications, including advanced analytical electron microscopy, in-situ analyti- cal transmission electron microscopy (ATEM) of solid and multiphase material reactions, and atom probe field-ion microscopy. Introduction to Additive Manufacturing A brief video presentation by Dr. Dave Bourell, FASM, providing a practical and informative introduc- tion to additive manufacturing (AM) was recently posted to ASM’s website. Dr. Bourell, a professor of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering at The University of Texas at Austin, is a volume editor and author for the new ASM Handbook, Volume 24: Additive Manufacturing Processes. Dr. Bourell describes the instances in which AM is preferred over conventional manu- facturing and discusses the seven current categories of AM classification, a major part of his “Introduction to Additive Manufacturing” article, writtenwith coauthor TerryWohlers, in ASM Handbook, Volume 24. For more information, visit HBVol24 or the ASM Digital Library. To view the video, visit Aderhold MD CORNER Providing Digital Content and Materials Data For my first column as acting managing director, I’d like to thank everyone for being a member of ASM. The support we get from our members through serving on committees, par- ticipating in chapter meetings, writing articles, working with our events, con- tributing your thoughts and ideas and the many other ways that you volun- teer is truly amazing! Thank you! One of my jobs is to listen closely to feedback from our members. One of the recurring themes is, “You have a lot of great materials content but it’s too hard to find and nav- igate.” To respond, we launched the ASM Digital Library, a state-of-the-art platform that allows you to easily drill down or search for the content you’re looking for, and even rec- ommends content that it thinks you will like. We initially loaded the entire ASM Handbook series into the platform. We received a lot of positive feedback but that was just the beginning. Since the initial launch, we added more than 1000 failure analysis case studies and 50 of our most popu- lar technical books. In the 3rd quarter, we will release Alloy Digest, the leading reference for materials property data on metals and alloys. Before the end of the year, we will also have the ability to search all ASM journals and over 25 years of conference proceedings. As an ASM member, you have unlimited access to the ASM Desk Edition. To learn more, check out our webi- nar recording “Maximizing Member Benefits with the ASM Digital Library” at or navigate to our On-Demand Webinar Library section of the ASM Website. Another theme we received feedback on was related to materials data. With the advent of Industry 4.0, the need for materials data and datasets has increased dramatically. High-quality data is needed to run material simulations, aid in machine learning models, and help with Integrated Com- putational Materials Engineering (ICME) efforts. To respond, we have kicked off the ASM Data Ecosystem Initiative. For more information on this exciting project, see the article on page 58 of this issue. I hope these examples provide you with a better under- standing of how we listen to your feedback and respond. I’d enjoy hearing from you about how ASM has added value to you or your company and what we can do to improve. Feel free to contact me at . Ron Aderhold, Acting Managing Director, ASM International Burke Bourell