
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 2 0 5 3 Prof. Michael Pecht, FASM Professor Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering University of Maryland College Park For technical contributions and leader- ship in the areas of electronics reliabil- ity, physics of failure, and sustainment. Prof. Ma Qian, FASM Distinguished Professor Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology Australia For innovations in solidification pro- cessing, additive manufacturing, and powder metallurgy to manufacture metallic materials and products with enhanced performance and/or reduced cost or emissions. Dr. Clare Rimnac, FASM Wilbert J. AustinProfessor of Engineering Distinguished University Professor Case Western Reserve University Cleveland For sustained research excellence in orthopedic biomechanics and bio- materials, particularly degradation of ultrahigh molecular weight polyeth- ylene and materials performance of implants and bone. Prof. Thomas W. Scharf, FASM Professor Materials Science and Engineering University of North Texas Denton For significant contributions in materi- als tribology and surface engineering, pioneering work on solid lubricant materials and mechanisms, and dis- tinguished service to the materials sci- ence community. Dr. Donglu Shi, FASM Professor University of Cincinnati Ohio For pioneering contributions to super- conducting materials, magnetism and magnetic materials, and novel nano- structures for photonic, biomedical, and drug delivery applications. Mr. Jatinder P. Singh, FASM Technical Integration Engineer-Steel General Motors Company Troy, Mich. For significant advancement and implementation of advanced high strength steels for automotive body structures as a recognized leader in ferrous sheet metal, alongside a strong commitment to developing and promoting professionals in the materials engineering field. Dr. Vasisht Venkatesh, FASM Associate Director Materials Modeling Pratt & Whitney East Hartford, Conn. For outstanding leadership in integra- ted computational materials engineer- ing approaches for building process- structure-property models enabling enhanced performance and quality of Ni- and Ti-based alloys for aerospace applications. Prof. Jingyang Wang, FASM Division Head Shenyang National Laboratory for Materials Science Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences China For pioneering contributions, global leadership, and mentoring in the field of science and technology of advanced ceramics, multifunc- tional coatings, and related materials and systems. Prof. Xinghang Zhang, FASM Professor Purdue University West Lafayette, Ind. For groundbreaking discoveries in cre- ating nanotwinned metals, control of mechanical behavior, and understand- ing of radiation damage in nanostruc- tured metallic materials. 2020 CLASS OF FELLOWS