
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 7 7 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Detroit Holds Sustaining Member Night On February 10, the ASM Detroit Chapter held a tech- nical meeting at St. John’s Armenian Banquet Center. The speaker, John Bonnen, group leader at AGC Automotive America, presented a talk on the latest developments in glass materials for advanced automotive applications. ASM past president Frederick Schmidt, FASM, was on hand to award membership certificates for those reaching mile- stones, including life members. Trustee Jason Sebastian (second from left) meets with Mexico Chapter officers (from left) Fabian Mendez (treasurer), Carlos Carrasco (chair), and Victor Zacarias (vice chair). Attendees at Detroit’s February meeting receiving membership awards include (from left): Rick Gundlach, William St. Thomas, Edward Rolinski, John Tartaglia, Michael Biddle, Robert VanderLaan, and Valery Rudnev. Also pictured are Chapter chair James Boileau (front row, left) and ASM past president Frederick Schmidt (far right). Mexico Hosts Sebastian ASM Trustee Jason Sebastian attended the ASM Mexico Chapter meeting on March 2 and was present for the open- ing of the Heat Treat Mexico conference on Tuesday morn- ing, March 3, in Queretaro. Sebastian is president of QuesTek Innovations LLC in Evanston, Illinois. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS MEMBERS IN THE NEWS ASM Members among TMS Award Recipients The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) announced recipients of its awards for 2020. Winners were celebrated during the TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition held in San Diego, February 23-27. Congratulations to the ASM members among the winners: TMS Fellows–Class of 2020: Rodney Boyer, FASM, RBTi Consulting; Diana Farkas, FASM, Virginia Polytechnic Insti- tute; Karl Ulrich Kainer, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht; David McDowell, FASM, Georgia Institute of Technology; and Neville Moody, Sandia National Laboratories. AIME Champion H. Mathewson Award, Peter C. Collins, Iowa State University and Hamish L. Fraser, FASM, The Ohio State University. Alexander Scott Distinguished Service Award: Elizabeth Holm, FASM, Carnegie Mellon University. Brimacombe Medalists–Class of 2020: Brad Boyce, Sandia National Laboratories; Amy Clarke, FASM, Colorado School of Mines; and Nikhil Gupta, New York University. Cyril Stanley Smith Award: Yunzhi Wang, The Ohio State University. Ellen Swallow Richards Diversity Award: Oscar Marcelo Suarez, FASM, University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez. Frank Crossley Diversity Award: Raul Rebak, FASM, GE Global Research. Institute of Metals/Robert Franklin Mehl Award: Yuntian Zhu, FASM, North Carolina State University. Julia and Johannes Weertman Educator Award: Andrea Hodge, University of Southern California. Oleg D. Sherby Award: Farghalli Mohamed, FASM, Uni- versity of California, Irvine. TMS/ASM Joint Distinguished Lectureship in Materi- als and Society Award: Charles H. Ward, FASM, Air Force Research Laboratory. William D. Nix Award: Robert Ritchie, FASM, University of California, Berkeley. William Hume-Rothery Award: Ursula Kattner, FASM, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Pune Goes Virtual The Pune Chapter conducted their first virtual Techni- cal Program meeting on April 21 using Ring Central/Zoom software. Mr. D.S. Kulkarni, principal, Government Polytech- nic, Nagpur, formally inaugurated the Technical Lecture Series for Diploma students from the Government Polytech- nics, Nagpur. Attendees from Pune and Kolhapur (all Maha- rashtra State) also logged on and participated. ASM Trustee Prem Aurora was an honored guest. After a formal welcome, Vineet Marathe from Vinarc Engineers (Pune Chapter) deliv- ered a technical talk on welding. Students participated enthusiastically in the question and answer session. The Chapter’s first virtual meeting was enjoyed by the partici- pants and deemed a success!