HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 7 6 Healy Yang EMERGING PROFESSIONALS CONTRIBUTOR SPOTLIGHT Dehua Yang, FASM, Ph.D. Ebatco Dr. Dehua Yang is a Fellow of ASM International and a renowned, award- winning materials scientist, accom- plished corporate executive, and foun- der of a successful nanotechnology developmentandservicescompany.He has over 30 years of experience span- ning critical areas in higher education, research and development, national and international busi- ness development, sales and marketing, engineering, man- ufacturing, customer service, and organizational growth. He is the founder and president of Ebatco, which provides ISO/ IEC 17025:2017 accredited and comprehensive advanced and critical analyses, and measurement and testing of materials and devices. Prior to founding Ebatco, Yang was the vice president of commercialization for Hysitron Inc., a manufacturer of nanomechanical testing instruments. Dr. Yang, a native Chinese naturalized U.S. citizen, obtained his permanent residence in the United States through a petition in the immigration category of extraor- dinary ability. He holds a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, an M.S. in solid state physics, and a B.S. in metal physics from Lanzhou University. Prior to immigrating to the U.S., Yang was a recipient of the Chinese Academy of Sciences top-ranked presidential award and natural science research award. The products he designed and managed at Hysitron, including the nanoTen- sile 5000 and 3D OmniProbe, won the 2007 Micro/Nano 25 Award and 2005 Nano 50 Award, respectively. In addition, Yang has authored or co-authored more than 60 peer-re- viewed publications on nanoscience and nanotechnology, tribology and surface science, and other engineering topics. He is an inventor or co-inventor of seven U.S. utility patents and has given more than 20 invited talks at research institu- tions and scientific conferences. Dr. Yang is currently a member of the ASM Handbook Committee, a member and past chair of the ASM Technical Book Committee, and a board member and past chair of the ASMMinnesota Chapter. He has also served numerous times as a U.S. National Science Foundation grant review panelist, journal referee, and international conference organizer and session chair. As an ASM Handbook Committee Member since 2016, Yang has been providing technical insights on handbook revisions and new additions. As a division editor, he has enthusiastically promoted and successfully directed “Sur- face Analysis,” a new division to the 2019 edition of ASM Handbook, Volume 10: Materials Characterization. This divi- sion includes newly developed surface analysis techniques such as scanning probe and atomic force microscopy. View the table of contents and abstracts for all the ASM Handbook volumes in ASM Handbooks Online in the ASM Digital Library. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer author or editor for ASM Handbooks, contact handbooks@ EMERGING PROFESSIONALS Shaping Tomorrow’s ASM Jonathan Healy, EPC Co-chair As an emerging professional (EP), it is all too easy to become engulfed in the near-term and lose sight of the long-term. Being professionally active, starting a social life in a new city, and working a professional job—for the first time for many of us—can entrench us in the mindset of the present. However, long-term efforts and strategic plan- ning are equally as important to our demographic. Recently, in mid-April, I was able to serve on the ASM Nominating Committee, the group charged with selecting ASM’s next threemembers of the Board of Trustees and nom- inee for Vice President. In this role, our group of 10 members ultimately holds the power of shaping ASM’s strategic align- ment by virtue of Board composition. ASM’s membership is fairly diverse and, from a recent survey, 72% come from industry, 20% from academia, and 8% from government. When selecting a Board for any organization, it is crucially important to ensure the Board represents your membership base and their interests. Therefore, it is critical that ASM’s Board contain trustees who represent the interests of each segment of our membership. One group that typically is not represented on the surface of our Board are EPs, due to the level of experience required. Yet, what is on the surface does not always hold true. Therefore, for the past several years, the Emerging Pro- fessionals Committee (EPC) has selected an individual to serve on the ASM Nominating Committee to help represent EP interests and back candidates that include EPs in their vision of ASM’s future. This can only happen if we continually field EPs who are willing to step up, take charge, and put aside the pres- ent in favor of helping shape ASM’s strategic vision. I would therefore charge you, the emerging professional, to step up and take charge. Take charge in ASM, take charge in your workplace. In the words of Winston Churchill, “History will be kind to me for I intend to write it.” The future is ours, should we choose to answer the call.
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