HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 7 1 IMAT 2020 Ajit Mishra (Corteva Agriscience) and Rajeev Gupta (University of Akron) The National Association of Cor- rosion Engineers (NACE) International is a proud partner of ASM in organizing IMAT 2020. A mission of NACE Inter- national is to equip society to protect people, assets, and the environment from the adverse effects of corrosion. At IMAT 2020, NACE International plans to organize multiple symposia that fall under a broad theme, “Corrosion and Environmental Degradation.” The sym- posia organized by NACE International include: (a) Crosscutting Issues in Cor- rosion of Materials: Control, Monitor- ing, Mitigation, and Material Selection; (b) Surface Protection for Enhanced Materials Performance: Science, Tech- nology, and Application; and (c) Coat- ings and Inhibitors for Corrosion Protection. The intent of these symposia is two-fold: First to inves- tigate the behavior of materials in a wide range of industries including the chemical process industry, petrochemicals, oil and gas, nuclear waste storage, marine applications, phar- maceuticals, automotive, medical devices, and other indus- tries where corrosion plays an important role; and secondly, to suggest novel corrosion mitigation strategies. Presenta- tions could be related to laboratory research, field testing, or failure analysis. NACE is the global leader in developing corrosion pre- vention and control standards, certification, and educa- tion. NACE International members include engineers and numerous other professionals working in a range of areas related to corrosion control. In 1943, 11 corrosion engineers founded the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE). Today, NACE International has over 40,000 mem- bers in more than 130 countries. The sheer increase in the number of members speaks volumes about the importance of this organization in day-to-day life. We look forward to excellent technical sessions and opportunities for networking at the IMAT 2020 conference. IMAT 2020 Update NACE presents Corrosion and Environmental Degradation Symposia Mishra Gupta ASM Launches New Digital Short Courses: Metallographic Techniques Parts 1 and 2 Learn metallographic techniques digitally—on your computer, tablet, or smartphone—at your own pace! Metallography is used in almost all stages during the lifetime of a compo- nent, starting from the initial materials development to production, process control, and even failure analysis. These two self-guided digital courses have been designed based on peer- reviewed content from one of our best selling in-class courses, “Metallographic Techniques.” In this interactive platform, students will learn—with the help of rich visuals, narrated animations, demonstration videos, and quizzes—the various techniques involved in metallog- raphy starting from specimen preparation to sectioning, mounting, grinding, and polishing in Part 1. Metallographic Techniques Part 2 talks about the different parts of a micro- scope and discusses the various techniques that can be used to measure and quantify the microstructural features of a specimen. A special note of thanks goes to Dr. Brett Leister, engi- neer, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Carderock Division, for serving as a subject matter expert during course develop- ment and providing detailed, constructive feedback. For more information on course registration and other details, contact Karen Murphy at karen.murphy@ or Andrea Currington at andrea. Leister VISIT THE CAREER HUB Matching job seekers to employers just got easier with ASM International’s CareerHub. After logging on to the ASM website, job seekers can upload a resume and do searches on hiring companies for free. Advanced searching allows filtering based on various aspects of materials science, e.g., R&D, failure analysis, lab environment, and manufacturing. Employers and suppliers can easily post jobs and set up pre-screen criteria to gain access to highly qualified, profes- sional job seekers around the globe. For more information, visit .
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