
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 6 9 Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman, FASM Nominee for Trustee Dr. Elizabeth Hoffman is the director of innovation and university engagement at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), a U.S. Department of Energy multi-program national laboratory specializing in environmental remediation, nuclear materials processing, nuclear detec- tion, and materials characterization. Hoffman is responsible for SRNL’s laboratory directed research and development program, postdoctoral researcher program, and university engagement program. All three programs advance the state of science through collaboration and partnership. In 2006, Dr. Hoffman joined SRNL as a researcher work- ing on degradation of materials in extreme environments. Her research spanned a range of material systems and pro- cesses, including metallic whisker growth, nuclear waste corrosion control programs, accelerated aging of elasto- meric seals, and alternative materials for accident tolerant nuclear fuel applications. Hoffman received her Ph.D. and B.S. in materials sci- ence and engineering in 2006 and 2002, respectively, from Drexel University. She has been active in ASM International since graduate school, serving in both the Savannah River and Philadelphia Liberty Bell Chapters, as well as several national committees. Hoffman has been recognized as a Fellow of ASM International, as well as an ASM Silver Medal awardee. In addition to ASM International, she is active in the American Ceramics Society (ACerS). Dr. Navin Manjooran, FASM Nominee for Trustee Dr. Navin Manjooran currently serves as the chairman of Solve Tech- nology and Research Inc. (Solve), a technology and research services company addressing energy, industry, medical, and infrastructure challenges. Over the past decade, Manjooran was in the global leadership team of Sie- mens AG, with oversight for international collaborations, advanced technologies, and innovation. Since 2010, Manjooran has served as an adjunct pro- fessor in materials science and engineering at Virginia Tech University. He taught multiple courses and co-organized 28 international symposia for the National Institute of Tech- nology (India), University of Florida, Virginia Tech, and vari- ous professional societies including ASM International, ACerS, TMS, and ASME. Manjooran also serves as an external advisory board member for the materials science and engineering depart- ment at the University of Florida. He has also served on the Virginia Tech University Board of Visitors, University of Chi- cago Board of Trustees, and Virginia Tech Capital Campaign. He holds a B.S. in metallurgical engineering from the National Institute of Technology (India), an M.S. in materials science and engineering from the University of Florida, and a Ph.D. in materials science and engineering from Virginia Tech. He also has an MBA from the Booth School of Business at the University of Chicago. Manjooran has been awarded 11 patents, edited 11 books, authored 47 publications, and presented 73 con- ference talks. His awards include: Outstanding University of Florida Alumni (MSE), Outstanding Indian American (Engineering) Award, Distinguished Virginia Tech Alum- nus, Siemens Award, TMS Young Leader Award, Virginia Tech Outstanding Leader Award, Virginia Tech Paul Torg- ersen Doctoral Research Excellence Award, Virginia Tech Outstanding Service Commendation Award, and the NITW Alumni Association Gold Medal. Ho man Manjooran ASM Nominations The ASM International Constitution provides that members of the Society may submit additional nomina- tions after the Nominating Committee has made its offi- cial report. Article V, Section 6, of the ASM Constitution reads: “After publication of the Nominating Committee’s report on nominees, and the Board report on its nom- inee for Treasurer, and at any time prior to July 15 of the same year, additional nominations for any or all of the vacancies may be made in writing to the Secretary at Headquarters. Such nominations must be signed by at least five individuals or Chapter Sustaining Members, each from any combination of at least 10 Chapters and/ or ASM Committees. Such nominees shall be processed by the Secretary for compliance with Section 4 of this Article. This shall be the only way in which additional nominations may be made. The membership of ASM International shall be duly notified of such additional nominations.” Of cial ASM Annual Business Meeting Notice The Annual Business Meeting of members of ASM International will be held in conjunction with IMAT 2020 on: Monday, September 14 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Huntington Convention Center - Cleveland The purpose of the ASM Annual Business Meet- ing is the election of officers for the 2020-21 term and transaction of other Society business. BOARD NOMINEES