HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 6 8 the department of mechanical, materials and aerospace engineering at the Illinois Institute of Technology. From 1996 to 2002, Todd held an Iron and Steel Society Professor- ship from the Iron and Steel Society of the American Insti- tute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. Todd is a trustee of ASM International (2017-2020), chair of the ASM Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclu- sion, and was chair of the Los Angeles Chapter in 1986. She also served as the 2009 president of the Society of Engineer- ing Science and was vice president for manufacturing with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) from 2002-2005. Her research interests include development of ad- vanced materials and manufacturing processes; laser- sustained plasma and laser-materials interactions; mechan- ical behavior; nondestructive evaluation of materials; and archaeometry. She has published more than 100 technical papers and holds two U.S. patents. She is a Fellow of ASM, ASME, and the Association of Women in Science. Todd’s awards include the Vanadium Award from the British Insti- tute of Materials, Minerals and Mining, and the ASME Board on Minorities and Women Award. She also received the Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring from President Bush in 2007. She received her B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in materials science from Cambridge University and is a Chartered Engi- neer in the United Kingdom. Mr. John C. Kuli, Jr. Nominee for Treasurer John C. Kuli, Jr., is technology and innovation lead for operations within the Performance Alloys & Composites Division of Materion. His present role is focused on upgrading existing equip- ment and purchasing new equipment to drive new product growth. During his 29-year career with Materion, he has specialized in optimization of molten metal processing techniques, robust casting mold design and manufacture, and hot working process improvements for the manufac- ture of copper, nickel, and aluminum-based alloys. He is a co-inventor of Materion’s new high conductivity copper QMet 200 and QMet 300 alloys and holds patents in alumi- num processing and nickel-based alloy development. Kuli earned a B.S. inmetallurgical engineering from the University of Pittsburgh, where he was awarded both ASM and Alcoa scholarships. He began his manufacturing engi- neering career with Alcoa (Arconic) where he specialized in equipment and process optimization for semi-continuous casting of high strength 7XXX aluminum alloys. Kuli joined Brush Wellman in 1986 focusing on casting of lean berylli- um-copper alloys including installation of a horizontal con- tinuous caster for thin strip. He then worked for Wagstaff as a customer service engineer and regional sales manager, installing and commissioning aluminum billet and ingot casting systems. Kuli returned to Materion in 1996 as a tech- nical manager to optimize the design, installation, and pro- duction start-up of a new melt & cast shop supporting the 1996-1998 Coiled Strip Mill Expansion Project. Kuli is a 39-year member of ASM International and has always been involved with his local ASM Chapter. He is also active in the American Foundry Society, NADCA, and Wire Association International. He currently serves as chair of the ASM Technical Books Committee and membership chair of the Cleveland Chapter. Mr. Burak Akyuz Nominee for Trustee Burak Akyuz is manager of met- allurgy, failure analysis, and polymers mechanical testing at Applied Tech- nical Services Inc. (ATS), a leading testing, inspection, and consulting company focused on materials testing, failure analysis, forensic inspections, environmental testing, nondestructive inspections, calibration, and engineering consulting head- quartered in Marietta, Ga. Akyuz has been with ATS for more than 16 years. He was a metallurgist and failure analyst before moving into the management role. After graduating from Istanbul Technical University with a B.S. in metallurgi- cal engineering, he relocated to the U.S. and earned an M.S. in information technology from Southern Polytechnic State University. Akyuz currently manages a group of failure analysts and materials scientists and focuses on failure analysis. He has extensive experience in laboratory management, mate- rial selection, failure analysis, metallography, fractography, mechanical testing of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys such as steel, titanium, aluminum, superalloys, and polymers, cor- rosion testing, analysis of metals, coatings, and corrosion residues by SEM, energy dispersive x-ray and x-ray diffrac- tion techniques, and expert witness testimony. He has been involved in several ASM chapter and com- mittee activities throughout the years, serving on the chap- ter council, web committee, and failure analysis committee, and as Atlanta chapter chair. He was the first president of the Failure Analysis Society, an ASM affiliate. He currently is a director on the board of ASM’s International Metallographic Society and a member of the technical advisory board of ASM’s IMAT 2020 conference. He is involved in the upcoming edition of the ASM Handbook Failure Analysis Series, serv- ing as an author and section editor. Kuli Akyuz BOARD NOMINEES
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