
In This Issue 43 President Collins Appoints Council Chairs 45 Board Nominations 46 Student Board Member Applications 47 Members in the News 50 Chapter News ASM NEWS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 Submit news of ASM and its members, chapters, and affiliate societies to Joanne Miller, editor, ASM News | ASM International 9639 Kinsman Road | Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5455 | F 440.338.4634 | E Contact ASM International at 9639 Kinsman Road, Materials Park, OH 44073 | P 440.338.5151 or 800.336.5152 (toll free in U.S. and Canada) | F 440.338.4634 | E | W ASM NEWS 6 7 67 ASM Board Nominees 71 IMAT 2020 Upd e 72 50 h An iversary of Met Trans 7 78 In Memoriam BOARD NOMINEES ANNOUNCED Todd for VP; Kuli for Treasurer; Akyuz, Hoffman, and Manjooran for Trustees T he ASM Nominating Committee, chaired by Dr. Sun- niva R. Collins, FASM, announces the nominees for ASM vice president and trustee for 2020-21 and three members of the Board of Trustees for 2020-23. In accordance with the ASM Constitution, these nomi- nees will be voted on at the ASMAnnual Business Meeting on September 14, during IMAT 2020 in Cleveland. Once elected, the vice president will automatically become ASM presi- dent for 2021-22. In accordance with Article IV, Section 3, of the ASM Constitution, the ASM Board of Trustees has also announced its nominee for ASM Treasurer for 2020-2021. Officers and members of the Board who will continue in office for 2020-2021 include: Ms. Diana Essock, FASM, who will become president in September; Dr. Zi-Kui Liu, FASM, who will serve as immediate past president; and trustees Prof. Diana A. Lados, FASM, Dr. Jason T. Sebastian, Lawrence A. Somrack, Dr. Toni Marechaux, FASM, Dr. Priti Wanjara, FASM, and Prof. Ji-Cheng Zhao, FASM. Retiring from the Board at this year’s Annual Business Meeting will be immediate past president Dr. David U. Fur- rer, FASM, and trustees Prem K. Aurora and Dr. Thomas M. Moore, FASM. Dr. Judith Todd, FASM, has completed her term as trustee and is now vice president-elect. About the President-Elect and Board Nominees Ms. Diana Essock, FASM Diana M. Essock is president of Metamark Inc., a marketing and tech- nology consulting company focused on the advancement of innovation and emerging technologies for orga- nizations engaged in the metals and materials industry. Prior to Metamark, Essock was director of new technol- ogy at Foseco Metallurgical Inc., a developer and manufacturer of foundry consumables. She worked to identify and develop new technologies from outside the scope of the foundry for application within the industry. She also directed and funded research projects with corporations, research organizations, and universities in North and South America, Europe, and Asia. Some areas of investigation focused on the food, pharmaceuticals, aerospace, textile, defense, and timber industries. Throughout her career, Essock has demonstrated her ability to transition new technologies from conception through production and commercialization. As a team leader at General Electric’s lighting business, she devel- oped a new lamp from concept inception through piloting, to final high-speed manufacturing. During this time, Essock received an Executive MBA from Baldwin Wallace University and the Technical Achievement Award from the Cleveland Technical Societies Council. After receiving a B.S. in materials engineering at Case Western Reserve University and an M.S. in metallurgical engineering at The Ohio State University, Essock worked at TRW Inc., Materials and Manufacturing Technology Cen- ter. There she procured funding and managed technology development programs for new materials and processes in the jet engine industry. Her research at TRW was in a wide range of composites systems including design, manufac- ture, and nontraditional machining. Essock has been awarded several patents, presented at numerous conferences, and published in technical hand- books and periodicals. She is a Fellow of ASM International and has served on the Board of Trustees. She was awarded the ASM Allan Ray Putnam Service Award and the Cleveland Chapter’s Distinguished Service Award. Dr. Judith A. Todd, FASM Nominee for Vice President Dr. Todd is department head, P.B. Breneman Chair, and professor of engi- neering science andmechanics at Penn State University. Prior to joining Penn State, she was the associate dean for research in the Armour College of Engi- neering and Science, and professor in ASM NEWS Essock Todd