FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 6 3 ular monitoring of the quench is important as aging of the oil results in decomposition, oxidation, and contamination of the oil, all degrading the heat transfer characteristics and quench efficiency. To address these challenges a unique barrier designhas been developed that both protects the data logger in the fur- nace (typically 3 hours @ 925°C (1697°F)) and also protects during transfer through the oil quench (typically 15 mins) and final wash station (Figs. 1 and 4). The key to the barrier design is the encasement of a sealed inner barrier with its own thermal protection with blocks of high-grade sacrificial insulation contained in a ro- bust outer structural frame. ~HTPro Acknowledgment This article is extracted from a technical paper present- ed at the 6th Asian Conference on Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering, Chennai, India, March 5 to 7, 2020. For more information: Dr. Steve Offley, PhoenixTM Ltd., 25 Earith Business Park, Meadow Drove, Earith, Cambridge- shire, PE28 3QF, UK, +44 (0) 1353 223100, Steve.Offley@ . 7
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