FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | M A Y / J U N E 2 0 2 0 5 9 HEAT TREATING SOCIETY NEWS 4 HEAT TREAT MEXICO SETS NEW TRENDS MARK YOUR CALENDARS PLAN TO ATTEND: IMAT 2020 Cleveland September 14-17 SAVE THE DATE: Heat Treat 2021 Co-located with IMAT St. Louis, Missouri September 14-16, 2021 Heat Treat Mexico Mexico Spring 2022 HEAT TREAT BUNDLE INCLUDES DIGITAL SHORT COURSES During this time of travel restrictions ASMEducation an- nounces bundle packages on course topics that can be com- pleted at your own pace, in the location of your choice, and fit into any type of schedule. The collection of digital short courses, along with the Heat Treating Handbook Collection, covers different aspects of the heat treat world including heat treating fundamentals, methods, practices, problems, and testing as they apply to irons, steels, and nonferrous alloys. ASM Digital Short Courses utilize rich visuals, narrated animations, demonstration videos, and interactive quiz- zes to provide state-of-the-art materials education. The Case Hardening of Steel course teaches the differ- ent case hardening processes including carburizing, carboni- triding, and nitriding; quenching of case hardened parts; in- duction hardening; and the various types of furnaces used in commercial heat treating processes. In theHeat Treatment of Carbon and Alloy Steels course students learn the heat treatment processes involved in modulation properties of steel, the effect of carbon on the phases of iron and how it affects the microstructure, classifi- cation of steel, and tempering of steel. Choose from the following Digital Short Courses plus the Five-Volume Heat Treating Collection to create a bundle package: • Heat Treatment of Carbon and Alloy Steels • Case Hardening of Steel • Strengthening Mechanisms of Non-Ferrous Alloys • Mechanical Properties and their Measurement • Five-Volume Heat Treating Collection Other options for virtual heat treat education include the Basics of Heat Treating Online Course and the Heat Treat- ing Furnaces and Equipment Online Course, and a range of self-study courses all available digitally. To purchase a Heat Treating bundle or any of the in- dividual classes, contact Karen Murphy at karen.murphy@ or visit education. More than 270 attendees and 38 exhibiting companies participated in Heat Treat Mexico at the Grand Fiesta Americana in sunny Queretaro, Mexico. New initiatives at the March event included different topics with the opportunity for attendees to receive DC-3 official job skills accreditation, free half-day student registration and free half-day expo access. 3
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