
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 7 4 International Metallographic Contest at IMAT Deadline: September 4 The International Metallographic Contest (IMC), an annual contest cosponsored by the International Metallo- graphic Society (IMS) and ASM International to advance the science of microstructural analysis, will be held at IMAT in Cleveland, September 14-17. Five different classes of com- petition cover all fields of optical and electron microscopy: Class 1: Light Microscopy—All Materials Class 2: Electron Microscopy—All Materials Class 3 : Student Entries—All Materials (Undergraduate Students Only) Class 4: Artistic Microscopy (Color)—All Materials Class 5: Artistic Microscopy (Black & White)—All Materials Best-In-Show receives the most prestigious award available in the field of metallography, the Jacquet-Lucas Award, which includes a cash prize of $3000. For a complete description of the rules, tips for creating a winning entry, and judging guidelines, visit metallography.net. IMC 2019 Jacquet-Lucas winning poster by Peter Kirbiš et al. from SIJ Metal Ravne d.o.o., Slovenia. ASM Lab Tour Goes Online If you’ve attended an ASM International education course at the Dome, it is likely you have received a tour from John Peppler, the esteemed lab manager. Peppler has enthusiastically overseen the labs for 13 years and offers an hour-long tour that details the technical and historical aspects of ASM’s labs. ASM has traditionally held hands-on training in metallography sample preparation and mechani- cal testing and ensures that the equipment our students use is upgraded to align with top-of-the-line industry standards. On his tours, Peppler tells the story of the expansion of the microscopy lab to include an SEM with correlative capabil- ities. He also explains ASM International’s interest in the additive manufacturing world and how that grew into the recent additions of a powder characterization lab, a suite of elemental analysis equipment, and a CT scanner. A virtual version of Peppler’s tour can now be taken on ASM International’s website. While we couldn’t replicate all of his jokes, we have provided the details of the technol- ogy and their ASM story. The online tour can be found on the ASM Training Lab’s launch page, under the Education tab on ASM International’s homepage. There, we thank our corporate partners for their generous contributions and link to individual lab pages. Each page offers a 360° panoramic image of the facility with callouts to the newest piece of equipment. This upgrade provides a comprehensive look at the breadth of ASM’s capabilities in the materials world and the education courses we offer to showcase them. John Peppler, ASM lab manager, in the Parker Hannifin Computed Tomography Lab at ASM headquarters. IMAT CONTEST