HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 7 3 IMAT 2020 Update Have you heard? ASM’s Materials Week Conference and Expo is BACK! IMAT 2020 will bring together academia, government and industry to discuss and solve global material challenges. What is IMAT 2020? • Comprehensive Technical Programming, bringing together the brightest minds in the industry and organized by ASM and all of its Affiliate Societies and Committees. ASM IS STRONGER TOGETHER! • Annual ASM Protocol Events , including Leadership Awards Luncheon, Awards Dinner, Annual Business Meeting, Board and Committee Meetings • An Exposition , featuring products, ideas, and solutions frommajor OEMs, materials suppliers, producers, and corporate partners • Education Courses with hands-on equipment demonstrations • Women in Materials Engineering Breakfast, a networking and social event • Emerging Professionals/Student Program and career recruitment fair • Materials Camp, an important STEM Program with hands on materials demonstrations • Networking Events to be held at at the Cleveland Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and the iconic ASM International Geodesic dome How Can You Participate? • Attend the conference (registration open in May!) • Showcase your solutions, products, and services by purchasing an exhibit booth. • Spread the word to your colleagues in the materials industry! Join ASM for the return of MATERIALS WEEK! Prepare to DISRUPT the materials conference world! Pierre Dupont, ASM International representative, presents the plaque. Behind him (from left) are the Ferrón mayor, governor Iñigo Urkullu, and Guipuskuan deputy Markel Olano. The ceremony included a forging demonstration. president of ASM’s Failure Analysis Society, represented ASM at the event held in Legazpi, Spain. Ferrería refers to tradi- tional iron works sites, which reduced iron from their ores beginning in the late Middle Ages. Ferrería Mirandaola oper- ated from the 12th century until 1832 when a fire destroyed part of the equipment. It was considered uneconomical to repair due to competition with blast furnaces. The ferrería was reconstructed by Patricio Echeverría and opened as a cultural site on May 3, 1952. It was then incorporated in 1997 to Lenbur Foundation, the current caretaker. Among the dig- nitaries at the landmark ceremony were Luis Chillida, pres- ident of Lenbur Foundation, and his son Eduardo Chillida; worldwide renowned sculptor in iron and steel, Juan Ech- everría; Patricio Echeverría’s grandson; and Bingen Zupitia, culture councilor of the Basque Government. IMAT 2020
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