HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 7 2 Ferrería Mirandaola’s Historical Landmark Dedication A dedication ceremony held on January 16 celebrated FerrerÍa Mirandaola Ironworks as a 2019 ASM International Historical Landmark. Prof. Pierre Dupont, immediate past Canada Council Award Nominations due April 30 ASM’s Canada Council is seeking nominations for its 2020 awards program. These prestigious awards include: G. MacDonald Young Award – The ASM Canada Coun- cil established this award in 1988 to recognize distinguished and significant contributions by an ASMmember in Canada. This award consists of a plaque and a piece of Canadian native soapstone sculpture. The 2019 recipient was Priti Wanjara, FASM, senior researcher and manager, aerospace, National Research Council Canada, Montreal. ASM Historical Landmark plaque commemorating Ferrería Mirandaola, which provided jobs and economical support to Spain’s Iron Valley for more than 500 years. M. Brian Ives Lectureship – This award was established in 1971 by the Canada Council of ASM to identify a distinguished lecturer who will pres- ent a technical talk at a regular monthly meet- ing of each Canadian ASM Chapter that elects to participate. The winner receives a $1000 hono- rarium and travels to each ASM Canada Chapter throughout the year to give their presentation with expenses covered by the ASM Canada Coun- cil. The 2019 recipient was Prof. Hani Henein, FASM, department of chemical and materials engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton. John Convey Innovation Awards – In 1977, the Canada Council created a new award to rec- ognize sustaining member companies that con- tribute to development of the Canadianmaterials engineering industry. The award considers a new product and/or service directed at the Canadian or international marketplace. Two awards are presented each year, one to a company with annual sales above $5 million, and the other to a company with annual sales below $5 million. View sample forms, rules, and past recip- ients at asminternational.org/membership/ awards/nominate. To nominate someone for any of these awards, email christine.hoover@asminternational. org for a unique nomination link. HISTORICAL LANDMARK DEDICATION
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