HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 7 0 Mahoney Financially, a venture enterprise presents a more sys- tematic, lower-cost, and lower-risk path to replicating the Granta returns. Investment priority would be given to com- panies with offerings re-sellable by ASM, as Granta was. However, wewould also be able to invest smaller amounts in a variety of companies in materials-centric markets beyond our traditional information segments, such as sustainability, medical and biological applications, sensors, software, and novel processes. Beyond the Granta experience, ASM can also emulate the non-profit applied R&D company that I led prior to ASM. That company deployed and operated a highly success- ful technology venture enterprise, still operational today, based in South Carolina. In the 11 years of my tenure, that company invested in 82 startups and secured 12 exits, five of which were advanced materials companies. Eleven of those exits were cash-in, cash-out for an average internal rate of return of 28.5%. The last exit was a roll-up of two invested startups within an Israeli landing party for a cash-in, stock- out 6x appreciation. To operate a venture enterprise for materials of this nature, we are calling upon members who have technical expertise and insights into the products and processes of investment target companies to assist with due diligence. If you are interested in playing this important role, which will be very comparable to the role played by member instruc- tors in our education offerings, please contact me. I am looking forward to your feedback. William T. Mahoney, CEO, ASM International bill.mahoney@asminternational.org ASM and its Af liate Societies Seek Student Board Members We’re looking for Material Advantage student mem- bers to provide insights and ideas to ASM and its Affiliate Society Boards. We are pleased to announce the continu- ation of our successful Student Board Member programs. Each Society values the input and participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas. All expenses to attend meetings are paid for by the respective Society. Opportunities specific to each Society: ASM International • Attend four board meetings (July 20-21, September 14- 17 during IMAT, spring and summer 2021) • Term begins June 1 Term begins October 1 for the positions below: ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society • Attend one board meeting (fall 2020) CEO CORNER ASM Evaluates Venture Enterprise Based on the favorable Granta investment and return ex- perience, ASM is now evaluating the deployment and operation of a standing materials innova- tion venture enterprise. The final determination on this evaluation will be made later this year by our Board. Deploying such an enterprise could lead to a variety of member, market, and financial benefits to ASM. Regarding membership, it would likely attract new members from younger, entrepreneurial, inno- vation-oriented segments. It could create a new relation- ship between ASM and universities, their researchers, and technology transfer offices. By providing access to capital, which is traditionally difficult for materials-related com- panies, ASM would provide a new and unique category of member benefit. From a market standpoint, a materials-dedicated ven- ture enterprise would further position ASM as a relevant contributor to the leading edge of the materials community. Along with our Digital-first information offerings, and our Materials Solutions Network, the venture enterprise would complete a trifecta enabling ASM to advance its scientific, technical, and educational mission in a completely differen- tiated fashion within the materials marketspace. ASM Failure Analysis Society • Attend one board meeting (fall 2021) ASM Heat Treating Society • Attend two board meetings (spring and fall 2021) ASM International Metallographic Society • Attend one board meeting (fall 2021) ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies • Attend one board meeting (spring 2021) • Receive a one-year complimentary membership in Material Advantage ASM Thermal Spray Society • Attend one board meeting (spring 2021) • Receive a one-year complimentary membership in Material Advantage Application deadline is extended to April 30. Visit asminternational.org/students/student-board-member- programs for complete form and rules. CEO CORNER
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