A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 6 6 quency, fatigue, and enable auxetic textile properties, laying the pathway toward integratedwearable technologies. ~SMST Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge Minnesota’s Dis‐ covery, Research, and InnoVation Economy Robotics, Sensors, and Advanced Manufacturing (MnDRIVE RSAM) Initiative and the University of Minnesota Office of the Vice President for Re‐ search UMII MnDRIVE Graduate Assistantship. Special thanks to Charles Weinberg for the images in Fig. 3a and Rachael Granberry for parts of Fig. 2c. For more information: Julianna Abel is a Benjamin Mayhugh Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineer‐ ing at the University of Minnesota, 111 Church St. SE, Minne‐ apolis, MN 55455, 612.301.7065, jabel@umn.edu, http://www. me.umn.edu/people/abel.shtml. References 1. BCC Research, “Medical Wearables: Beyond FitBit (HLC240A),” 2019. 2. BCC Research, “Wearable Computing: Technologies, Ap‐ plications and Global Markets (IFT107C),” 2018. 3. Wanasinghe Arachchige Dumith Madushanka Jayathila‐ ka, , Kun Qi, Yanli Qin, Amutha Chinnappan, William Serrano‐ García, ChinnappanBaskar, HongboWang, et al., “Significance of Nanomaterials in Wearables: A Review on Wearable Actua‐ tors and Sensors,” AdvancedMaterials, Vol 31, No 7, p 1805921, 2019. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201805921. 4. Julianna Abel, Jonathan Luntz, and Diann Brei, “Hi‐ erarchical Architecture of Active Knits,” Smart Materials and Structures, Vol 22, No 12, p 125001, 2013, https://doi. org/10.1088/0964-1726/22/12/125001. 5. Charles Weinberg, Song Cai, Jeremy E. Schaffer, and Julianna Abel, “Multifunctional Spun Yarns and Textiles from Nickel-TitaniumMicrofilaments,” Advanced Materials Technol- ogies, in press, 2020. 6. Kevin Eschen, and Julianna Abel, “Performance and Pre‐ diction of Large Deformation Contractile Shape Memory Alloy Knitted Actuators,” Smart Materials and Structures , Vol 28, No 2, 2018, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361 -665X/aaf215. 7. Kevin Eschen, Rachael Granberry, and Julianna Abel, “Guidelines on the Design, Characterization, and Operation of Shape Memory Alloy Knitted Actuators,” Smart Materials and Structures , Vol 29, No 3, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1088/ 1361-665X/ab6ba7. 8. Kevin Eschen, Javier Garcia-Barriocanal, and Julianna Abel, Spatial Phase Fraction Analysis from In-Situ XRD Experi‐ ments of Shape Memory Alloy Knitted Actuators, SMST 2019: Conference Proceedings from the International Conference on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies, p 218–19, May 13, 2019. 9. Rachel Granberry, Kevin Eschen, Brad Holschuh, and Julianna Abel, “Functionally Graded Knitted Actuators with NiTi-Based Shape Memory Alloys for Topographically Self-Fit‐ ting Wearables,” Advanced Materials Technologies, Vol 4, No 11, 1900548, 2019, https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.201900548. 10. Rachel Granberry, Brad Holschuh, and Julianna Abel, “Ex‐ perimental Investigation of the Mechanisms and Performance of Active Auxetic and Shearing Textiles,” Proceedings of the ASME 2019 Conference on Smart Materials, Adaptive Struc‐ tures and Intelligent Systems, Louisville, KY, 2019, https://doi. org/10.1115/SMASIS2019-5661. 11. J.E. Huber, N.A. Fleck, and M.F. Ashby, “The Selection of Mechanical Actuators Based on Performance Indices,” Pro‐ ceedings: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol 453, No 1965 p 2185–2205, 1997. Advertise in SMST NewsWire in October 2020! For information about advertising in SMST NewsWire: Kelly Johanns, kelly.johanns@asminternational.org Current rate card may be viewed online at asminternational.org/mediakit. 1 2 FEATURE
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