
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 6 2 above 12,192 m (40,000 ft), descending to 3048 m (10,000 ft), andascendingback to above 9144m(30,000 ft) before landing, as indicated by path 1 and path 2, respectively. Path 1 demon- strated the VG moving through the complete deflection range between the retracted and deployed configurations, while path 2 demonstrated partial retraction at a lower altitude. Figure 3a also shows the SMART-VG deflection-temperature response obtained by thermal chamber testing under no-load prior to flight testing. Overall, good comparisons of the SMA response were observed between mechanical testing of the SMA component and thermal chamber testing and flight test- ing of the SMART-VG. LOOKING AHEAD This program successfully matured and validated the targeted alloy development and associated design processes by demonstrating shape memory alloy reconfigurable tech- nology (SMART) in a flight-test campaign. Ongoing analysis of the flight-test data will help drive and optimize future designs of the SMART-VG, further refine the alloys that enable them, and create design tools for other implementations. The many barriers hindering full-scale commercialization of SMART into aircraft markets such as improved alloy systems, design tools, best practices, publishedstandards, andsupply chaindevelop- ment are concurrently being addressed [1] . This project is an ex- ampleof ongoingSMAactuationtechnologymaturationefforts addressing these issues. The ultimate goal is to transition SMA actuated devices to commercial aeronautical platforms to re- duce fuel consumption and improve aircraft efficiency. ~SMST Acknowledgments The NASA team acknowledges funding from the NASA Aeronautics Research Mis- sion Directorate (ARMD) Transformational Tools & Technologies (TTT) project. Boeing authors gratefully acknowledge the many individuals among multiple organizations within Boeing, including Boeing Research & Technology (BR&T), Boeing Test & Evalu- ation (BT&E), Boeing Commercial Airplanes (BCA), and the BCA EcoDemonstrator Pro- gram, whomcontributed to this project. The authors also thank AeroTEC for design and fabrication support of the SMART-VG device. For more information: Frederick Calkins is an associate technical fellow at The Boeing Co., 9725 E. Marginal Way S. MC 42-202 Tuk- wila, WA 96108, 425.237.2918, frederick.t. calkins@boeing.com . References 1. O. Benafan, et al., Recent Advancements in Rotary Shape Memory Alloy Actuators for Aeronautics, Shape Memory and Superelasticity, 5(4), p 415-428, 2019. 2. A.T. Guzik and O. Benafan, “Design and Development of CubeSat Solar Array Deployment Mechanisms Using Shape Memory Alloys,” NASA/TM—2018-219914, 2018. 3. J.H. Mabe, et al., Boeing’s Variable Geometry Chevron, Morphing Aerostructure for Jet Noise Reduction, 47th AIAA/ ASME/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Ma- terials Conf. , 14th AIAA/ASME/AHS Adaptive Structures Conf ., p 2142, 2006. 4. F.T. Calkins and J.H. Mabe, Flight Test of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuated Adaptive Trailing Edge Flap, ASME 2016 Conf. on Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems, ASME Digital Collection, 2016. 5. F.T. Calkins, et al., Low & High Speed Cryogenic Testing of a Wind Tunnel Model with Remote Control Actuation (RCA) Spoiler, AIAA Aviation 2019 Forum, p 2975, 2019. 6. G. Norris, Green Gambit, Aviation Week & Space Technol ., 182(1), p 38-40, 2020. 7. “Definition of Commonly Used Day Types (Atmospheric Ambient Temperature Characteristics versus Pressure Alti- tude), SAE AS210, SAE International, 2018. 8. O. Benafan, et al., Viable Low Temperature Shape Memory Alloys Based on Ni-Ti-Hf Formulations, Scripta Materialia, 164, p 115-120, 2019. Fig. 3 — In-flight functional performance showing the shape memory alloy reconfigurable technology—vortex generators (SMART-VGs) deployed and retracted at altitudes below 10,000 ft and above 40,000 ft, respectively, and the (a) SMART-VG angular deflection-tem- perature response corresponding to (b) altitude-time flight profiles. Also shown in (a) is the SMART-VG deflection-temperature response obtained by thermal chamber testing under no-load prior to flight testing. (a) (b) 8 FEATURE