A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 5 7 SEEKING APPLICATIONS FOR SMST FOUNDERS’ GRANT The SMST Founders’ Grant provides funding for early, ex- ploratory research related to shape memory and superelastic- ity. It is given biannually and expected to be used as a “seed grant,” used to test a concept and lay a foundation for obtain- ing further funding from industry or government agencies. The judging is based on the overall quality of the proposal, value of research, realistic ability to execute the plan with a clear path to deliverables, and the potential of gaining sustained funding beyond grant period. The guidelines for the 2021 Grant will be on the web- site July 1, 2020, with the application deadline in January 2021. The committee will make their selection and an- nounce it inMay 2021 at the SMST Conference in San Diego. In 2019, Ashley Bucsek of University of Michigan was awarded the Founders’ Grant to support her research, “Exert- ing Control from the Nanoscale to the Macroscale Using Struc- ture and Microstructure Engineering.” She will be presenting her study results at the 2021 SMST Conference in San Diego, May 17-21. Bucsek’s research premise is that by controlling the local deformation in ways that optimize the macroscopic material behaviors, shape memory alloys can be created with unprecedented properties, stability, and predictability. This designed stability on the microstructure level is expected to produce stability on the macroscopic level, and the results are expected to show significantly improved fatigue life. The SMST Founders’ Grant was generously endowed last year by Dr. Thomas Duerig, FASM, for which the community is extremely grateful. This endowment allows the Grant to con- tinue to be offered in perpetuity. For information, visit smst.asminternational.org or con- tact Carrie Wilson at carrie.wilson@asminternational.org . SEEKING APPLICATIONS FOR SMST STUDENT BOARD MEMBERS The International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies (SMST) is seeking applicants for its student board member position. Students must be a reg- istered undergraduate or graduate during the 2020-2021 aca- demic year and must be studying or involved in research in an area closely related to shape memory and superelastic tech- nologies. Nominations are due by April 30. Visit smst.asminternational.org or contact Mary Anne Jerson at maryanne.jerson@asminternational.org for more informtion. SMST MEMBERS RECOGNIZED AT ASM ANNUAL BANQUET Several members of the International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies were honored with an ASM award or joined the newest class of ASM Fellows. The awards and recognitions were presented during the 2019 ASMAnnual Awards Dinner on Tuesday, October 1 in Portland, Oregon. Congratulations to these members for their notable achievements! ASM Fellows Dr. Thomas Duerig, FASM, (right) received his ASM Fel- lows certificate from David Furrer, FASM, during the 2019 ASM Awards Dinner last October in Portland. Duerig was cited “for marked contributions in the medical wire field through alloy design and process-structure-function interplay, for winsome and engaging technical communication and mentorship, and dedicated service to the materials community.” Duerig is founder and CTO of Confluent Medical Technologies in Fre- mont, Calif. SMST President Othmane Benafan, left, presents the 2019 SMST Founders’ Grant to Ashley Bucsek during the conference in Kon- stanz, Germany last May. Shape Memory & Superelastic Technologies 3 SHAPE MEMORY SOCIETY NEWS
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