
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 4 2 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS FEATURE 8 more than 60 subject matter experts (from NRC, Polycontrols, and their strategic partner network) will contribute to making PolyCSAM a unique ecosystem with the goal of reaching new horizons in additive manufacturing. ~iTSSe For more information: Luc Pouliot, COO/CTO, Polycontrols Technologies Inc., luc.pouliot@polycontrols.com, www. polycontrols.com ; and Jörg Oberste-Berghaus, senior re- search officer/technical leader SURF/META, National Research Council Canada, jorg.obeste-berghaus@cnrc-nrc.gc.ca , www. nrc.canada.ca . References 1. 3D Printing Metal Market – Global Forecast to 2024, Mar- kets & Markets, 2019. 2. A. Papyrin, V. Kosarev, K.V. Klinkov, and V.M. Fomin, Cold Spray Technology, Elsevier, 2006. 3. E. Irissou, J.G. Legoux, A.N. Ryabinin, B. Jodoin, and C. Moreau, Review on Cold Spray Process and Technology: Part I - Intellectual property, J. Therm. Spray Technol., 17 (4), p 495-516, 2008. 4. S. Yin, P. Cavaliere, G. Aldwell, R. Jenkins, H. Liao, W. Li., and R. Lupoi, Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing and Repair: Fundamentals and Applications; Additive Manufacturing, 21, p 628-650, May 2018. 5. C.M. Kay and J. Karthikeyan, editors, High Pressure Cold Spray – Principles and Applications, ASM International, Ma- terials Park, Ohio, 2016. 6. V. Champagne, editor, The Cold Spray Materials Deposition Process: Fundamentals and Applications, Wood- head Publishing Ltd., Abington Hall, Abington, Cambridge England, 2007. 7. B. Monsarrat and Y. Fortin “Multi-Jointed Robot De- viation under Load Determination,” International Patent WO2016151360, 29/09/2016. 8. P. Vo, D. Poirier, J.-G.Legoux, P.G. Keech, D. Doyle, P. Jak- upi, and E. Irissou; Development of Cold Spray Technology for Copper Coating of Carbon Steel Used Fuel Container Pro- totypes for CANDU Fuel, NWMO-TMP-AD-0007-R002 – Tech- nical Report, Nov. 2015. 9. B. Al-Mangour, R. Mongrain, E. Irissou, and S. Yue, Im- proving the Strength and Corrosion Resistance of 316L Stainless Steel for Biomedical Applications using Cold Spray, Surf. Coat. Technol., 216, p 297-307, 2013. 10. E. Irissou and L.-P. Lefebvre, Porous Metal Coatings us- ing Shockwave Induced Spraying, WO2017191611A1, 2017. 11. D. Poirier, et al., Performance Assessment of Protec- tive Thermal Spray Coatings for Lightweight Al Brake Rotor Disks. J. Therm. Spray Technol., 28, p 291-304, 2019. 12. H. Che, et al., Metallization of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Lightning Strike Protection. J. Mater. Eng. Per- form., 27, p 5205-5211, 2018. 13. J.-M. Lamarre and F. Bernier, Permanent Magnets Pro- duced by Cold Spray Additive Manufacturing for Electric En- gines, J. Therm .Spray Technol., 28, p 1709–1717, 2019. 14. D. Poirier, P.E. Mongeon, Y. Rhomas, and E. Irissou, Method for Preparing Powders for a Cold Spray Process, and Powders Therefor, WO 2019/016779 Al PCT/IB2018/055439, January 2019.