iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 3 7 iTSSe TSS 3 SOCIETY NEWS TSS MEMBERS RECOGNIZED AT ASM ANNUAL BANQUET Several members of the Thermal Spray Society were honored with an ASM award or joined the newest class of ASM Fellows. The awards and recognitions were presented during the 2019 ASM Annual Awards Dinner on Tuesday, Oc- tober 1 in Portland, Oregon. Congratulations to these mem- bers for their notable achievements! ASM Fellows Charles M. Kay, FASM, was welcomed to the 2019 Class of ASM Fellows by David Furrer, FASM, in Portland. Kay was cited “for global technical leadership in innovative thermal spray technologies, mentoring thermal spray practitioners, and sustained dedicated volunteer service to the thermal spray community.” Kay is vice president of sales and marketing at ASB Industries Inc., in Barberton, Ohio. ASMBronze Medal Award André McDonald, FASM, received his ASM Fellows plaque from David Furrer, FASM, during the 2019 ASM Awards Dinner, last October. McDonald was cited “for significant contributions in research and development of advanced thermal spray coatings, teaching and mentoring of young professionals, and service to the thermal spray community.” McDonald is professor and associate chair (research) at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada. Robert Vassen, FASM, was recognized as a new ASM Fellow by David Furrer, FASM, last October. He was cited “for innovative developments in thermal spray materials and technology leading to knowledge transfer and successful implementation for energy system appliciations.” Vassen is head of materials for power plants at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany. Danielle L. Cote, recevied the ASM Bronze Medal Award in October 2019. She was cited “for commendable and significant research in the areas of computational thermodynamics, thermal processing, and alloy design, together with leadership in promoting diversity in STEM education.” Cote is assistant professor of engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Massachusetts.
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