A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 3 6 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS 2 ITSC 2020: AMAZING OPPORTUNITIES AWAIT W olfgang Ernst Pauli, the 1945 Nobel Prize Winner in Physics, said: “Godmade the bulk; but the surfacewas invented by the devil.” I like this quote. It reflects the complexity and significance of surfaces, and yet carries some- thing emotional. One can sense his struggle. The surfaces of technical systems fulfill a variety of func- tions and thus make a significant contribution to performance and efficiency. Conventional protective coatings are becoming increasingly multifunctional and smart. It never gets boring doing research on the surface ;-). And there are important tasks for the future: We need to save the world! Environmental pro- tection, conservation of resources, demographic change, energy supply or mobility - these megatrends were formulated years ago and are as relevant today as they were then. Surface en- gineering will keep contributing to solving these challenges in the future. These megatrends are therefore important market drivers for us. Different surface technologies are not in competition, but rather complement each other. It is not about finding the best of all technologies, but about identifying the best solution for each requirement. This thought has been a point of discus- sion in the Association of Thermal Sprayers in Germany (GTS e.V.) for some time and it will be addressed at ITSC 2020 in Vienna with its conference theme, Surface Solutions – Amazing Opportunities. While we would like to open our eyes, ITSC will, of course, remain ITSC: The world’s best opportunity to meet thermal sprayers and to discuss progress in the research and development of thermal spraying. But this year, the Industrial Forum will also offer advanced information regarding surface technologies and applications compared with thermal spray (TS) technologies. Furthermore, through the Industrial Forum conference and exhibition, par- ticipants will be offered the opportunity to discover the latest industrial solutions in thermal spraying. The focus here will be on industrial implementation rather than on the scientific depth addressed at the conference. A milestone in the history of ITSC was certainly the agreement between ASM-TSS and DVS to combine their forc- es in a joint conference with an industrial exhibition. Since 2000 in Montreal, ITSC has become an annual highlight for the TS community. Thanks to the additional support of our Asian colleagues, the conference continued successfully over the years, alternating between North America, Asia, and Europe. The Young Professionals Session, which always receives a positive response, first took place at the conference in Maas- tricht, the Netherlands in 2008. It serves as a special platform towelcome young participants into the TS communitywarmly. It turned into a keen competitionwithout losing itsmajor com- ponent of fun. In a further innovation at ITSC 2020 in Vienna, we are offering a public forum, Thermal Spray in a Nut Shell, where newcomers and potential customers can learn the ba- sics of thermal spraying. Access to these presentations, as well as to the Industrial Forum and the Young Professionals Session is free for all conference and exhibition visitors. ITSC will take place in the magical city of Vienna on June 10-12 this year. The promising program consists of a selection of approximately 340 contributions from 35 nations. It is defi- nitely worth a visit. I look forward to seeing you in Vienna! Kirsten Bobzin Surface Engineering Institute (IOT), RWTH Aachen University, Germany Technical Chair, ITSC 2020 EDITORIAL Bobzin COVID-19: The organizers of ITSC 2020, DVS - German Welding Society and ASM International, take the developments surrounding the Covid-19 coronavirus very seriously. The organizers are constantly monitoring information portals such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and our closely working with partners and local government in Vienna, Austria to ensure the necessary security of the guests. As our response to this situation evolves, we will make appropriate communications and updates. For up-to-date information visit asminternational.org/itsc or contact: events@asminternational.org .
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