A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 2 5 LNT PM Inc. is planning a pilot pro- duction of near net shape critical com- ponents made by PM HIP from HSCR steel powder as a lower-cost substitute for the same weight components made of high strength titanium alloys. CONCLUSION HSCR steel is proposed as a low- cost substitution for high strength ti- tanium alloys in the manufacture of aircraft landing gear and structural components, as well as turbomachin- ery components used at moderate tem- perature. HSCR steel possesses specific stiffness, specific strength, and fatigue limits higher than Ti-6Al-4V alloy at the same ductility and toughness. The pro- jected cost of manufacturing these crit- ical components from HSCR steel is significantly lower than the cost of the same weight critical components made of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Manufacturing critical components from HSCR steel reduces energy con- sumption by 25% or more compared to the same weight components made of Ti-6Al-4V alloy. HSCR steel also reduces the aircraft manufacturers’ dependency on the handful of titanium suppliers in the world market. ~AM&P For more information: Gregory Varta- nov, chief engineer, Advanced Materials Development Corp., Toronto, Canada, info@amdoncorp.com, www.amdon- corp.com. References 1. G. Vartanov, Steel over Titanium Al- loy, DSIAC Journal, Vol 6(4), p 4-7, fall 2019. 2. V. Samarov, D. Seliverstov, and F.H. (Sam) Froes, FabricationofNear-Net ShapeCost-EffectiveTitaniumCom- ponents by Use of Prealloyed Pow- der and Hot Isostatic Pressing, ASM Handbook, Vol 7: Powder Metallur- gy, p 660-670, 2015. 3. Carpenter Technology Corp., Titani- um Alloy Ti-6Al-4V, Technical data- sheet, July 1, 2000. https://cartech. ides.com/datasheet.aspx?i=101&E= 268. 4. S. Liu, and Y.C. Shin, Additive Man- ufacturing of Ti6Al4V Alloy: A Re- view, Materials and Design, Vol 164, No. 107552, February 2019. 5. G. Vartanov, New Steel Suits Aero- space Applications, Advanced Ma- terials & Processes, May/June, p 7, 2018.
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