69 8 MACHINE LEARNING/AI This new department highlights research on machine learning, including a startup that uses the technology to 3D print in unusually large volumes. ENGINEERED LIGHTNING PROTECTION CONDUCTOR Larry S. Hebert By using modeling tools, a lightning protection conductor is tuned to manage strike damage on a semi-conductive composite skin and provide conductive paths in the desired orientation with optimized weight. 16 A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | A P R I L 2 0 2 0 2 The Boeing EcoDemonstrator 777 conducted tests on cutting edge technologies over the Cascade Mountains in Washington state last fall. Working with NASA Glenn Research Center, Boeing was testing how shape memory alloys can be used to actuate deployable vortex generators, the tiny fins on airplane wings that control airflow during flight. Courtesy of John D. Parker/Boeing. On the Cover: 15 STRESS RELIEF An induction heating superhero, the solution to a hair-raising mystery, and 3D miniature figurines. ASM NEWS The latest news about ASM members, chapters, events, awards, conferences, affiliates, and other Society activities.
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