
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 6 1 Collins Collins Named Associate Dean at CSE Sunniva Collins, FASM, has been elevated to the position of associate dean of Professional Programs at the Case School of Engineering (CSE), Case Western Reserve University. In the newly created role, she will over- see all of the CSE’s professional grad- uate degree programs, including the masters of engineering, the masters of engineering and management, and the online engineering masters of science degrees. Collins will also coordinate the development of new professional learn- ing opportunities. She remains on the faculty of the Depart- ment of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, where she is an associate professor. An inventor on four patents, Collins served as president of ASM International, 2014-2015. Olson Joins MIT Faculty Gregory B. Olson, FASM, has joined the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (MSE) faculty of the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology (MIT) as Thermo-Calc Professor of the Practice. Previously, he was a full-tenured professor of MSE at North- western University. In his new role at MIT, he will continue serving as chief science officer for QuesTek Innovations LLC. Thermo-Calc Software, Stockholm, selected Olson as their first Professor of Practice. The role enables experts who have created their own successful practice to teach about the entrepreneurial side of MSE. Olson earned his doctorate in MSE at MIT. The American Academy of Arts and Sciences named him the “father of materials design” for his pioneering work in the development of materials through computational modeling and simulation. ASM International awarded Olson the Gold Medal in 2010 and Honorary Mem- bership in 2019. Sampath Awarded Jeppson Award Sanjay Sampath, FASM, TSS- HoF, distinguished professor of Mate- rials Science at Stony Brook University and director of the Center for Thermal Spray Research, has been awarded the American Ceramic Society’s John Jeppson Award for distinguished tech- nical achievements in ceramics. Sam- path received his Ph.D. from Stony Brook in 1989 then spent four years at Olson Sampath Singhal GTE Sylvania in R&D of refractory materials. He returned to Stony Brook in 1993 as a faculty member and helped estab- lish the NSF Materials Research Science and Engineering Center. Sampath received the SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship, was appointed New York State Distinguished Professor in 2011, elected Fellow of ASM and ACerS, and received the R&D 100 award for develop- ment and commercialization of direct write thermal spray technology. Inaugural Singhal Award Subhash C. Singhal, FASM, Bat- telle Fellow Emeritus at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, re- ceived the inaugural Subhash Singhal Award named after him by the Electro- chemical Society to recognize excel- lence and exceptional research contri- butions to the science and engineering of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) and elec- trolyzers (SOEC). The award was pre- sented last September at the 16th International Symposium on Solid Oxide Fuel cells held in Kyoto, Japan. Additionally, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate degree in Science and Technology by the University of Tartu, Estonia, in recog- nition of his outstanding achievements in the development of renewable energy in the world. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering. Rajan Named SUNY Distinguished Professor Krishna Rajan, a University of Buffalo (UB) faculty member, has been named SUNY Distinguished Professor, the highest faculty rank in the SUNY system, in recognition of his international prominence and distinguished reputation with- in his field. Currently the Erich Bloch Chair and Empire Innovation Professor in the Department of Materials Design and Inno- vation in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and the College of Arts and Sciences, he is an internationally recognized expert on materials informatics. His pioneer- ing work in establishing this field applies data-intensive methodologies to the discovery, design, characterization and modeling of a material. Rajan also has been a leader in advancing machine learning for the interpretation of data from atomic-scale chemical-imaging techniques. He is a member of the National Academies of Sciences. MEMBERS IN THE NEWS