
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 6 0 CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Milwaukee’s Trustee Night On January 14, the ASM Milwaukee Chapter hosted Dr. Ray Fryan for a trustee visit. Fryan, ASM’s treasurer, spoke to the Chapter members about “How Materials Informa- tion & Design Integrates with Manufacturing.” According to Fryan, materials variation has been a reality that designers have lived with, but, have not yet quantitatively optimized around. Coupled together, advancing materials uncertainty quantification and quantifying the impact of that uncer- tainty on fatigue life allows for integrated design of the com- ponent and material. Top row, from le : JimMeyers, Prof. John Perepezko, Trustee Ray Fryan, and Chris Misorski (vice chair). Front row, from le : Susan Kerber, Carol Deming (chair), and David Kalchbrenner. Montreal hosts Henein for Brian Ives Lecture Professor Hani Henein, FASM, Uni- versity of Alberta, delivered the ASM Canada Council M. Brian Ives Lecture at the Montreal Chapter meeting on January 27. The meeting was held at the National Research Council of Can- ada Aerospace Manufacturing Tech- nologies Centre on the campus of the Université de Montréal. The topic was “Materials Research in Microgravity Environment,” and introductory comments were made by Dr. Behnam Ashrafi, Chapter vice chair. ASM Trustee Dr. Priti Wanjara, FASM, was also in attendance. The lecture attracted 45 attendees, including students from École Polytechnique, École de technologie supérieure, McGill University, and Concordia University. Prof. Henein excited his audience with the prospects of research on the effects of micro-gravity on materials behavior using terrestrial systems such as drop tubes and parabolic flights, as well as sub-orbital rockets in addition to experiments on the International Space Station. Henein Congratulations to these ASM Chapters celebrating 100 years of serving local members! Boston Detroit Lehigh Valley Quad City Rhode Island Southern Connecticut Thank you for your commitment! We look forward to celebrating your future success! MEMBERS IN THE NEWS Rath Endowed Award Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) has established a gift to create and endow the “Bhakta and Sushama Rath Endowed Research Award” to annu- ally recognize the best Ph.D. research, which has provided current or future solutions to a U.S. industry or the soci- ety. Bhakta B. Rath, FASM, served as ASM president, 2005-2006. The award consists of a cash prize and a certificate presented at the commencement ceremony. This is among several endowments at Michigan Technological Universities, Colorado School of Mines, and Illinois Institute Technology, which are ongoing awards. Dr. Rath was the associate direc- tor of research at the Naval Research Laboratory (retired). He was also the head of the Materials Science Directorate at the laboratory for more than 41 years. Now he acts as the senior research emeritus. He became a member of ASM International in 1956 and served as the chair/member of several programming committees, member and later pres- ident of the ASM Board of Trustees, and a pillar and board member of ASM’s Materials Education Foundation. Rath CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS