HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 5 9 WOMEN IN ENGINEERING This profile series introduces lead- ing materials scientists from around the world who happen to be females. Here we speak with Danielle Cote , assistant professor at Worcester Polytechnic Insti- tute, Worcester, Mass. What part of your job do you like most? The ability to enjoy the benefits of both teaching and research. The instant and regular gratification of teaching and the long- term payoff of research breakthroughs complement each other to create a very satisfying role. What is your engineering background? I have a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering, and a master’s and a doctorate in materials science and engineering. What attracted you to engineering? My love of science and math in high school led me to pursue engineering in college. Realizing the real-world impact I could have with an engineering education fur- thered my interest in the field. While I still love science and math, it’s a desire to create a positive impact through engi- neering that keeps me excited. Did you ever consider doing something else with your life besides engineering? I played flute and piccolo throughout high school and college and really considered majoring in music performance. Best career advice, given or received? If you love what you do, it’s hard to call it “work.” What are you working on now? My research group focuses on feedstock material development for high deposition rate additive manufactur- ing (AM) techniques, such as cold spray and wire arc addi- tive manufacturing. We use computational thermodynamic and kinetic simulations, coupled with advanced materials characterization to design metallic alloys for use in these AM techniques. Finish this sentence: Women in materials engineering are… …advancing. Let’s keep it up! Hobbies? Traveling. Also cooking (but mostly eating) good food. Favorite motto or quote? “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.” - Seneca Cote EPC Strategic Groups and Goals for 2020 EPC Committee Over the last three years, ASM International has embarked on a plan known as the ASM Renewal. To support this Renewal, the Emerging Professionals Committee (EPC) worked to align our major strategic goals with the tenants of the ASM plan. One area of the Renewal is the ASM Digital Transfor- mation. This transformation included immense undertak- ings such as content re-engineering and revamping ASM’s website. It should come as no surprise to our readers that a strong digital presence is a must in today’s economy. The EPC, along with ASM, has realized the importance placed on digital progression and has created andmaintained a Digital Metrics strategic group aimed at tracking ASM’s progress as an online presence. Another critical area addressed in the ASM Renewal was Membership. Of course, our members give the society life. ASM’s membership in particular spans all age ranges, geographic areas, and interests in the materials field. The EPC, specifically targeting emerging professionals, has formed a strategic group to better foster chapter engage- ment at the local level and determine the best methods of engaging emerging professionals both within local chap- ters/ regions and on a national basis. Finally, Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships were part of the ASM Renewal. For the emerging professional, perhaps the most valuable strategic partnership is with their mentor. With that in mind, the EPC formed our third and final strategic group around mentorship. It is our goal to research and determine how the EPC may best support the mentorship needs of the EP community. However, it should be noted that none of these projects could be taken on without the help of dedicated volunteers. If you are an emerging professional, or know of an EP who is interested in getting involved, apply for an EPC position at https://bit.ly/2RV2QYe. The deadline to apply is March 1, so be sure to get your application in soon! Last book read? An advanced thermodynamics textbook to prepare for an upcoming course! Do you know someone who should be featured in an upcoming Women in Engineering profile? Contact Vicki Burt at vicki.burt@asminternational.org . WOMEN IN ENGINEERING
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