
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 5 8 FROM THE FOUNDATION Coming Attractions This year brings great new pro- gramming, with a focus on improving resources for the classroom implemen- tation of ASM Materials Camp®-Teach- ers content. The ASM Foundation continues to offer and expand the number of Materials Camps for teach- ers as STEM professional development, introducing materials science concepts for K-12 students. The week-long programs send teachers back to school with a wealth of new knowledge and activ- ities, but the relationship does not end there. Teachers can be confident including materials science content in their classes, knowing they are able to rely on the entire ASM Teacher Community for support. The Foun- dation will ensure that the investment of providing Materi- als Camp professional development pays off in year-round engagement and teaching. The Foundation will start an online community for par- ticipants of ASM Materials Camp-Teachers to ask questions of our master teachers, share tips/activities, and access additional resources. This community will allow teachers to stay engaged with the ASM Foundation and Materials Camp content year-round. This summer, we host the new ASM Teacher Institute to allow teachers to learn from professionals at the Dome. This Institute is an in-depth learning opportunity for teach- ers beyond Materials Camp. It will also provide output of lessons and resources to be shared with all educators in the ASM Teacher Community. The Teacher Institute, unlike the Materials Camp, will focus on a particular topic (sustainabil- ity of materials in 2020) and then create resources around it. Our Teacher Classroom Workbook was recently revised. Each teacher at Materials Camp receives the work- book, which outlines the activities and demonstrations used during the week. Revisions include photos, improved graphics, and clear NGSS alignment. The workbook is also being published to the same digital platform as ASM Hand- books, allowing its content to be easily searched by teach- ers. Additional resources will also be shared on the platform and online community as they are developed. Thank you for your support of these important program enhancements to benefit teachers across the country—and beyond. With your help, we can continue to interest stu- dents in STEM and materials science! Carrie Wilson Executive Director ASM Materials Education Foundation Opportunities For Students and Teachers Undergraduate Scholarships Scholarships from $1500 to $10,000 are available to Material Advantage students. Deadline May 1. Technical and Community College Scholarships Scholarships of $500 each. Deadline May 1. Undergraduate Design Competition This competition encourages the strengthening of design curricula in materials science and engineering departments. The awards include: First Prize: $2000 + $500 travel assistance + $500 to the department for support of future design teams; Second Prize: $1500 + $ 500 travel assis- tance; Third Prize: $1000 + $500 travel assistance. Deadline June 30. Student Chapter Grants These grants support Material Advantage student chapters in their outreach activities. Five grants of $500 each. Deadline May 31. Materials Camp®-Students This popular program utilizes hands-on learning prin- ciples of applied math, physics, and chemistry led by a distinguished world-class faculty. The program is aimed at stirring students’ interest in science and getting them excited about materials engineering careers, as they learn to be team players and become “science detectives” at the camp. Application deadline varies by location. Materials Camp®-Teachers This weeklong program for middle school and high school teachers demonstrates how to use low/no cost sim- ple labs and experiments with everyday materials that can be integrated into existingmath/science lesson plans. These simple activities and experiments are proven to actively engage students in learning more about applied science. Applications are accepted on a first-come-first-serve basis. Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher Award This award honors the accomplishments of one high school science teacher who has demonstrated a significant and sustained impact on pre-college age students. Award: $2000 cash grant plus the recipient’s travel cost of up to $500 to receive the award at the ASM Awards Luncheon. Application deadline June 30. “Living in a Material World”—$500 Teacher Grants Provides support for K-12 teachers to develop and implement science teaching activities. Award: 20 grants of $500 each. Deadline: May 25. To learn more about any of these programs, visit asm- foundation.org. Wilson FROM THE FOUNDATION