ASM I NT E RNAT I ONA L STRATEGIC PLAN A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 5 7 KEYSTRATEGIC INITIATVES The outcomes expected from the key strategic initia- tives include an expanded base of personnel, improved materials understanding, and more efficient and effective performance across the global materials andmanufacturing industries, as shown in Fig. 1. The four key initiatives critical to accomplishing the strategic plan were identified as follows: • Develop a digital-first platform that encompasses all aspects of ASM activities including service for members, chapters, councils, and the Board; curation, delivery, and maintenance of technical content; and collabora- tions with stakeholders. This platform will aggregate, curate, validate, and disseminate the materials commu- nity’s most relevant technical information, and make it discoverable, searchable, accessible, and interoperable. • Establish an interdisciplinary collaboration frame- work to engage organizations and members in the materials production and manufacturing supply chain and integrate materials information into partners’ infor- mation flows and decision-making metrics. • Create a global professional network with technical and professional societies through mutually beneficial joint activities, including webinars, workshops, confer- ences, and publications, based on needs of members and interests of stakeholders. • Cultivate a foundational culture and practice of di- versity, equity, and inclusion for all ASM’s stakeholders. Thriving in the modern climate will re- quire full engagement of the entire materials community. SUMMARY ASM has set aggressive but achievable strategic goals and objectives based on enhancing membership, improving technical excellence, and establishing strategic collabora- tions/partnerships. By achieving these overarching goals and adhering to core values, ASM will be an effective stew- ard for the materials science and engineering discipline. We welcome member feedback. Visit ASM Connect at www. connect.asminternational.org and click on ASM Online Member Community and then click on Library to see the full strategic plan. The document is also accessible via the ASM website at www.asminternational.org/about/strategicplan. ~AM&P
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