
STRATEGIC PLAN ASM I NT E RNAT I ONA L A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 5 6 ASM PROGRESS REPORT: STRATEGIC PLAN HIGHLIGHTS FOR 2020 AND BEYOND In August 2019, 30 members of ASM, the Operations Team, and invited experts were called together to help chart ASM’s strategic path forward. This article shares key results of that meeting, which define the overall direction of ASM International for the next several years. Zi-Kui Liu, FASM, ASM President A SM International is a membership-based profession- al society with the aim of accomplishing great works for the common good that cannot be achieved independently. Our Society’s future is very bright and is well defined by our vision and mission statements as well as our core values: Vision: To be the leading global resource for materials information. Mission: To gather, process, and disseminate materi- als information globally, through education, networking, and professional development for members, organizations served by our members, and the materials community. Core Values: The Society embraces lifelong relation- ships with members through a virtuous circle of education, experience, and learning under the umbrella of the follow- ing core values: • Integrity and transparency in society operations • Competent stewardship of society finances • Exceptional service to society members • Promotion and support for a diverse and inclusive glob- al community of volunteers • Continuous improvement via an adaptable and flexible organization These shared values of transparency, integrity, diver- sity, and constancy of purpose are ASM’s great enablers, and will serve the Society in pursuit of its vision and mission. 2020-2025GOALS Three critical areas in which ASM International must excel in order to ensure our success and growth are in- creased membership, technical excellence, and strategic partnerships and collaborations. The strategic goals in the three critical areas can be measured as follows: • Membership: Aspire to an annual increase of up to 10% new members and enhanced engagement. • Technical content: Develop webinars, web products, membership magazine(s), conferences, short courses, handbooks, journals, data and tools, Software as a Service (SaaS), and other innovative new products for member and materials community needs with greater global coverage and higher value to members. • Strategic partnerships: Develop enhanced partner- ships with two or more global organizations per year through timed, tangible collaboration activities to strengthen the above two areas. Fig. 1 — Four initiatives to achieve success in three critical outcomes through the annual operating plan.