
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 5 3 ASM Seeks Vice President and Board of Trustees Nominations ASM is seeking nominations for the position of vice president as well as three trustees. The Society’s 2020 vice president and trustee elects will serve as a voice for the membership and will shape ASM’s future through imple- mentation of the ASM Strategic Plan. Qualifications: Members must have a well-rounded understanding of the broad activities and objectives of ASM on a local, Society, and international level, and the issues and opportunities that ASMwill face over the next few years. Further, they must also have a general appreciation for international trends in the engineered materials industry. Duties: The fiduciary duties of board members include governance and strategy development for the Society, as well as various assignments between regular meetings. Trustees also assume the responsibility of making Chapter visits and serving as a board liaison to ASM’s various com- mittees and councils. Guidelines: Nominees for vice president must have previously served on the ASM Board and those selected to serve as trustees should be capable of someday assuming the ASM presidency. Deadline for nominations is March 15. For more infor- mation, visit asminternational.org/vp-board-nominations or contact Leslie Taylor, leslie.taylor@asminternational.org or 440.338.5472. ASM and its Affiliate Societies Seek Student Board Members We’re looking for Material Advantage student mem- bers to provide insights and ideas to ASM and its Affiliate Society Boards. We are pleased to announce the continu- ation of our successful Student Board Member programs. Each Society values the input and participation of students and is looking for their insights and ideas. All expenses to attend meetings are paid for by the respective Society. Opportunities specific to each Society: ASM International • Attend four board meetings (July 20-21, September 14- 17 during IMAT, spring and summer 2021) • Term begins June 1 Term begins October 1 for the positions below: ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society • Attend one board meeting (fall 2020) ASM Failure Analysis Society • Attend one board meeting (fall 2021) ASM Heat Treating Society • Attend two board meetings (spring and fall 2021) ASM International Metallographic Society • Attend one board meeting (fall 2021) ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies • Attend one board meeting (spring 2021) • Receive a one-year complimentary membership in Material Advantage ASM Thermal Spray Society • Attend one board meeting (spring 2021) • Receive a one-year complimentary membership in Material Advantage Application deadline is April 1. Visit asminternational. org/students/student-board-member-programs for complete form and rules. ASM Seeks Candidates for Treasurer ASM is seeking candidates for the position of ASM Trea- surer to immediately fill the remainder of Mr. Raymond V. Fryan’s term through September 14 and for consideration as Treasurer for 2020-2021. The treasurer is an officer of the Board of Trustees and chairs the Finance Committee. The treasurer is also a member of the Investment Committee and chair of the Audit Committee. Commitment involves travel to meetings at least three times per year and par- ticipation in telephone conferences. The treasurer works closely with ASM’s CFO and the financial staff at the Dome, who provide ample support of the Society’s accounting practices, researching historical data, preparing meeting agendas, and more. ASM bylaws state that the treasurer must be a member of the Society. It is recommended that the treasurer have a good understanding of finance and accounting and also some profit and loss responsibility in a company or organi- zation. Prior experience in the volunteer leadership of ASM is also helpful. Once applications are received, the treasurer is nomi- nated by a five-person Nominating Committee for Treasurer that will review candidates and present their nominee to the Board for approval. This committee is convened to select a treasurer and is separate from the Nominating Committee for vice president and trustees. Although the treasurer is officially appointed for a one-year term, reappointment for multiple years is typical. Planning on a three-year term or longer is reasonable. For more information or to be considered for this position, contact ASM President Zi-Kui Liu at prof.zikui.liu@ psu.edu with copy to ASM Chief Financial Officer, Veronica Becker at veronica.becker@asminternational.org. Appli- cants should include a short letter explaining why they would like to serve as treasurer along with a resume. All requests for consideration should be received no later than March 15. ASM AND AFFILIATES