
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | F E B R U A R Y / M A R C H 2 0 2 0 2 6 Fig. 2 — In stamping, transforming to Industry 4.0 means collecting data in a central area for real-time feedback and process improvement. Fig. 3 — By using pattern recognition, Ford can perform data analysis to identify correlations in regards to formability, and ultimately improved part design and process operations. smartphone, the need to communicate has not gone away but we communi- cate smarter. The analytical horsepow- er available will create efficiencies in the speed and accessibility of data gen- erated in the manufacturing process, with traceability of each data stream to accurately utilize data. Moving from a manual interpretation of silos of data to a comprehensive consideration of data insight into how the process of building the vehicle is running from moment to moment. This is not a proposal to say that the means of forming vehicle body panels needs to change, but it is an ac- knowledgment that new monitoring and analytical technologies will make it possible to deliver real-time process optimization and control. Similar to the move from paper phonebooks to the that is not isolated to a single functional area of the manufacturing process, and is only limited by the number of data streams fed into it. STAMPING 4.0 The stamping division at Ford Motor Company has seen cycle rates improve with each generation of equip- ment and part complexity increase