
HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0 4 4 Top row, from le : David Guisbert (past chair), Will Reifschneider, Nassos Lazaridis (vice chair), Matt Hanley, Je Hemingway, Jim Manore, Ed Hickman, Bob Merryfield (past chair). Bottom row, from le : Kevin Hanley, Je Allen (treasurer), Rick Gordon (chair), Sarah Leach (secretary and past chair), Fred Schmidt, FASM (ASM International past president). CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS awards—and the completion of my Ph.D. was certainly life-defining—I think my greatest professional achieve- ment has been the ability to help the students I work with find their own path, determine how to maximize their own potential, and watch them succeed. Best career advice, given or received: Focus on finding an opportunity that you are pas- sionate about and that you can create a career around as opposed to looking for a job. What are you working on now? I am contributing to a team at CWRU that is develop- ing a fully implantable, neural prosthesis system to help restore the sense of touch to amputees. My role includes CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Notre Dame Tours ArcelorMittal On October 18, 2019, a group of ASMNotre Dame Chap- ter members and colleagues toured the ArcelorMittal Burns Harbor Steel Mill. The tour started with a video overview presentation followed by a perimeter tour of the coke ovens and blast furnace areas. The group then moved to the steel- making area where they viewed continuous slab casting. The event ended with a tour of the hot strip rolling mill. The weather was perfect for a steel mill tour. The Chapter was delighted that Dr. Fred Schmidt, an ASM International past president joined the event. Notre Dame Celebrates 100 Years The ASM Notre Dame Chapter proudly marked their 100th anniversary by hosting a celebratory dinner and festivities at the Tippecanoe Place restaurant on October 29, 2019. NW PA Hosts Student Night The ASM NW Pennsylvania Chapter hosted a success- ful student night at Gannon University during which Dr. David Gee, associate professor at Gannon University, gave a well-received presentation on “Deformable Cell-Cell and Cell-Substrate Interactions in Model of Immune Re- sponse.” The talk focused on material constitutive models and modeling techniques, which described this aspect of innate immunity. designing tests to mimic in vivo conditions and to evaluate the mechanical reliability of the systemand its components. Finish this sentence: Women in materials engineering are… dynamic, persevering, and passionate about their work. Favorite motto or quote? “All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” Walt Disney Last book read? The Hidden Reality by Brian Greene. Do you know someone who should be featured in an upcoming Women in Engineering profile? Contact Vicki Burt at vicki.burt@asminternational.org WilliamBennett, le , Chair of NW PA Chapter, presents Dr. Gee with an ASM gi set.