
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | J A N U A R Y 2 0 2 0 2 5 In a regular SEM backscattered image (left), elements such as nickel, copper, and zinc can be difficult to distinguish because they appear roughly the same color gray. Yet when shown in color (right), the elements can be clearly differentiated. nickel from the copper and zinc, sav- ing them a tremendous amount of time and effort. Color EDS information is available with the push of a button. The elements present are identified on a periodic ta- ble, and separated out into different colors within the image, showing re- searchers their precise location, relative proportion, and concentration. As with conventional EDS analysis, users can generate an x-ray spectrum from the entire scan area of the SEM image. They can also obtain localized elemental information by investigating a spot or series of spots or following a line on the sample image. With next-generation color tech- nology, obtaining an EDS color image is at least four times faster than tra- ditional EDS analysis, reducing the