November AMP_Digital

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 8 METALS | POLYMERS | CERAMICS Fortify, Boston, a composite 3D printing company, won the Awards for Composites Excellence (ACE) award in the Manufactur- ing category for Equipment and Tooling Innovation. The Ameri- can Composites Manufacturers Association (ACMA) presented the ACE award to Fortify at the sixth annual Composites and Advanced Materials Expo for its Digital Com- posite Manufacturing platform. The technology improves perfor- mance by aligning fibers optimally throughout parts. Parker Hannifin Corp., Cleveland, recently announced an agreement to acquire aerospace systems manufacturer Exotic Metals Forming Co., Kent, Washington. Parker Hannifin will pay $1.725 billion in cash and plans to house Exotic Metals as a standalone operation within its aero- space unit., BRIEFS The FSU scientists are working to develop high-performance polymers with super-elastic and super-soft prop- erties that could be used as joint or cartilage replacements. To accomplish this, their team is exploring the bound- aries of how existing polymers respond to stimuli and can be reorganized for better performance. Polymers that spontaneously “un- zip” or deteriorate in response to an external stimulus have gained traction from scientists for their potential use in a variety of applications. However, this spontaneous deteriorating—called depolymerization—often makes them difficult to assemble in the first place. The researchers refined a process to both create the polymer and cause it to break down, completely changing its structure. They developed a thermodynamic strategy where they synthesize themac- romolecules at a lower temperature and then stabilize the polymer before warming it up. At warmer temperatures, the materials could depolymerize with Right: Electrons around an iridium ion. Le : Interfacing iridiumwith nickel alters its shape. Courtesy of Fangdi Wen. IRIDIUM’S IDENTITY CRISIS Scientists recently discovered a new kind of magnetic state when they created super-thin artificial structures containing iridium and nickel. Iridium loses its identifying properties and its electrons act oddly in an ultra-thin film when interfaced with nickel-based layers. According to researchers at the National Science Foun- dation (NSF), Alexandria, Va., the nickel has an unex- pectedly strong impact on iridium ions. The discovery could lead to improved control of quantum materials and a deeper understanding of the quantum state for new electronics. Scientists discovered that at the interface between a layer containing nickel and one with iridium, an unusual form of magnetism emerg- es that strongly affects the behavior of spin and orbital motion of electrons. The newly discovered behavior is im- portant because quantum materials with very large spin-orbit interaction are popular candidates for new materi- als and exotic superconductivity. The research was funded by two awards from NSF’s Division of Materials Research. MANIPULATING THE FUNDAMENTAL STRUCTURE OF POLYMERS A research team at Florida State University (FSU), Tallahassee, has de- veloped a method to manipulate poly- mers in a way that changes their fun- damental structure, paving the way for potential applications in cargo deliv- ery and release, recyclable materials, shape-shifting soft robots, antimicrobi- als, and more. Florida State University researchers authored a study on how to change the fundamental structure of a polymer. Courtesy of Bruce Palmer/FSU. Fortify team accepts ACE award. Courtesy of CAMX.