November AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 7 4 The ASM/TMS Distinguished Lectureship in Materials and Society was presented by Carolyn M. Hansson, University of Waterloo, Ontario. ASM ANNUAL MEETING PHOTO GALLERY: HIGHLIGHTS FROM PORTLAND Conference attendees find opportunities to network during MS&T19, September 29-October 3, in Portland, Oregon. Zi-Kui Liu, FASM, ASM President, 2019-2020, addresses the membership at the Annual Business Meeting on Monday. Panelists field questions during the ASMWomen in Materials Engineering breakfast. ASM Vice President Diana Essock, FASM, shares the Society’s data management plans with the ASM past presidents. Margaret Showalter receives the Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher Award fromChip Keough, FASM. Chip Keough, FASM, (left) presents the ASM Foundation Pacesetter Award to Paul Mason, Thermo-Calc Software. Charlie Kay, 2019 Class of Fellows, enjoys the ASM Awards Dinner festivities with his family. J.P. Singh receives a tie from Zi-Kui Liu, FASM, for his leadership role as Chair of the Chapter Council. 2019-2020 ASM Board of Trustees.