November AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 7 0 OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS Dale Alexander, principal and director of materials, Engineering Systems Inc., and Christina Powell, staff engi- neer, MPE failure analysis, Pratt & Whitney, are appointed to the FAS board for a three-year term. David Riegner, mate- rials analyst, SEA Ltd., is appointed emerging professional board member, and Casey Gilliams, Colorado School of Mines, is appointed student board member. Both appoint- ments are for one year. ASM Heat Treating Society The Heat Treating Society appointed a vice president and two members to the board, reappointed a student board member, and appointed an emerging professional board member. See page 4 of HTPro in this issue for the full story. ASM International Metallographic Society Daniel Dennies, FASM, principal and CEO, DMS Inc., succeeds as president of IMS, while James E. Martinez, materials scientist, NASA, remains on the board as imme- diate past president. Michael Keeble, U.S. labs & technol- ogy manager, Buehler, a Division of ITW, is appointed vice president, George Abraham, manager, technical services, Allied High Tech Products, is reappointed as secretary, and David Rollings, vice president, sales and marketing, Ted Pella Inc., is reappointed as finance officer. Officers serve a two-year term. Burak Akyuz, team leader, metallurgy and failure anal- ysis, Applied Technical Services Inc., and Dominik Britz, deputy director, Material Engineering Center Saarland, Saarbruecken, Germany, were appointed to the IMS board for a three-year term. Johnathon Brehm, University of Wisconsin-Madison, is named a student board member for one year. ASM International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies SMST president Othmane Benafan, materials research engineer, NASA Glenn Research Center, and vice president, Jochen Ulmer, director semi-finished product division, Euroflex GmbH, welcome the following new members for three-year terms: Tom Duerig, board member and scien- tist, Confluent Medical Technologies, and Martin Wagner, full professor, TU Chemnitz, Germany. Jeremy Schaffer, senior engineer, Fort Wayne Metals, remains on the board as immediate past president. Kevin Eschen, University of Minnesota, is named a student board member for one year. ASM Thermal Spray Society The TSS board reappointed two members and appointed two new members to the board. They also reap- pointed one student boardmember and appointed one new student board member to the board. See page 3 of iTSSe in this issue for the full story. Alexander Powell Riegner Gilliams Dennies Martinez Keeble Abraham Rollings Akyuz Britz Brehm Benafan Ulmer Duerig Wagner Schaffer Eschen