November AMP_Digital

A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 4 0 iTSSe TSS iTSSe TSS FEATURE 6 MORE EFFICIENT, SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS IN THE CONTEXT OF INDUSTRY 4.0 Digitization of manufacturing is changing the way the products are produced; a large volume of data collected from connected machines provide information about performance, maintenance, and corrective actions. Data analysis enables identifying patterns and insight impossible for a human to do in a reasonable timeframe. Safran, Oerlikon, and IRCER will apply Industry 4.0 prin- ciples to films and coatings manufacturing to help define an implementation scenario. The scenario will encompass collec- tion and analysis of all coating process data including process data (e.g., operating parameters), material data (e.g., charac- teristics of the solid, liquid, or gaseous feedstock and of the material during processing), and product data (e.g., coating thickness, temperature, and uniformity). TRAINING NEXT-GENERATION MATERIALS AND SURFACE ENGINEERS Protheis and Safir will benefit not only Safran and Oer- likon, but also graduate and post-graduate students at Uni- versity of Limoges and Safran’s 20+ partner schools and universities (e.g., Mines-ParisTech, ENSAM, ESTACA, ENSMA, UTC). Students preparing for advanced degrees in materials and surface engineering and data science and digitalization will be able to conduct research in line with the laboratory’s roadmap. Subjects for M.S. and Ph.D. degrees will be proposed at an international level and supported by the lab partners Region Nouvelle Aquitaine and the Department of Education of France. Students can follow continuing training at CampusFab (Bondoufle, France), the training center of the industry of the future launched by several French companies including Sa- fran. The center is entirely dedicated to the digital transfor- mation of the industrial world; it provides students with the industrial and digital means typical of a factory of the future, including digital room, additive manufacturing hub, assembly line using robots, cobots and automated carts, assembly and erection hubs, andmaintenance and productionmeans hub. Engineers at Safran control and monitor the test environment of aircraft engines. Courtesy of Safran. The entrance of the Institute of Research for Ceramics (IRCER). Courtesy of IRCER. Protheis partners are setting up a new program of engi- neering apprenticeship in materials and surface engineering, which will provide students the opportunity to simultaneously gain an engineering degree and professional autonomy while putting theory into practice. Safran and Oerlikon are helping University of Limoges to fine-tune this new curriculum around the new skills that their companies and the industry of the fu- ture will need. ~iTSSe For more information: Armelle Vardelle, professor, IRCER, University of Limoges-CNRS, 12 rue Atlantis, 87068 Limoges, France, + 33 (0) 555 423 684,