November AMP_Digital
iTSSe TSS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | N O V E M B E R / D E C E M B E R 2 0 1 9 3 9 iTSSe TSS which is dedicated to the physical and chemical characterization of materials and is unique in Europe in this area. The SAFIR platform will cover technol- ogy readiness levels (TRL) from TRL1 (describing basic principles) to TRL6 (demonstrating a prototype in a repre- sentative environment). It will manage the entire maturation process, while ensuring requisite safety conditions. With an investment of over €8M, the platform will translate the laborato- ry’s scientific work into thin-film and thick-coating technologies, and will as- sist R&D of other transport, energy, and electronics companies. Protheis and Safir will offer two full-time positions within the IRCER thermal spray team for young profes- sionals to work on roadmap objectives; one faculty-researcher on thermal spray techniques and a CNRS research- er on modeling innovative thermal spray processes (contact Dr. Philippe Thomas at IRCER for more details). Safran will manage greenhouse gas emissions linked to their produc- tion and reduce the environmental impact of its products to meet the In- ternational Civil Aviation Organization objective of bringing greenhouse gas emissions in 2050 down to 50% of their 2005 levels. In this context, in addition to the development of “more electric” aircraft and alternative fuels, the com- pany will design more fuel-efficient en- gines and lighter aircraft equipment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. FILMS AND COATINGS: A PATH TO GREENER PRODUCTS Film and coating technologies can help reduce plane consumption and emission through improved en- gine management and higher operating temperature, helping to meet environmental requirements set by the air transport industry. A standardized methodology used to identify and improve environmental impacts associated with a product or a process is the life cycle assessment (LCA) method (ISO 14040 and 14044). This requires quantifying resources used and emissions at all stages of the products/processes supply chain and life cycle and converting data to impact scores along different environmental dimensions. LCA helps to designmore sustainable products with decreased emissions during their production. It also helps to choose the best coating technology for the environment and for the producer and user, as conser- vation of natural resources contributes to making the technol- ogy and products not only more environmentally friendly, but alsomore economically efficient. FEATURE 5
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