October AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 6 3 nities. It worked out really nicely for me,” says Fraser. She received an ASM scholarship, became Young Members’ chair, and was appointed to the national ASM student board of trustees. “I met an amazing variety of people, from pro- fessional engineers to Ph.D.s and those without advanced degrees. It opened my eyes to the where you can go and that shaped my graduate studies.” Fraser has worked with ASM Materials Camps for high school students on demos ranging frommaking liquid nitro- gen ice cream to aluminum casting and welding. She enjoys connecting with students and seeing girls open up and ask questions. “I really like giving back regarding science aware- ness. Outreach is really important, especially at an earlier level so students can choose the right college and program.” Applying for a full-time role in research and devel- opment with Carpenter, Fraser’s networking really paid off. “Interviewing wasn’t so nerve-wracking because I had worked with so many of the employees professionally through ASM.” Fraser was offered the job and starts in the fall of 2019. She plans to help with Teachers Camps and stay active in ASM because Carpenter supports the value of involvement with professional societies. CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS CHAPTERS IN THE NEWS Wisdom of a Decade From the past to the future! From left, ASM Presidents Mark Smith (2011), William Frazier (2017), Fred Schmidt (2018), David Furrer (2019) and Zi-Kui Liu (2020), and vice president Diana Essock (2020) met under the Dome during the 2019 Leadership Days in August for an informal discussion. India Delegation at Materials Park The ASM Chapters in India were well represented at the 2019 Leadership Days. Pictured during the Dinner under the Dome at ASM’s Materials Park on August 9, from left: Nirav Ishwarlal Jamnapara (Gujarat Chapter), Kamaraj Muthuswamy (Chennai Chapter), ASM past president Fred Schmidt, and Ragesh Bateriwala (Gujarat Chapter). Schmidt congratulated the India delegation on their ASM Chapter Council Awards. Congratulations to these ASM Chapters celebrating milestones of serving local members! Fort Wayne — 75 Years Kansas City — 75 Years Minnesota — 100 Years Thank you for your commitment! We look forward to celebrating your future success!