October AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 6 0 IMAT 2020 UPDATE Dennies ASM International and Lincoln Electric Announce Joint Education Program ASM and Lincoln Electric are proud to announce the development of a Certificate Program called “Welding Tech- nology and Materials Science.” Developed with direction fromesteemed subject matter experts throughout the weld- ing and materials community, this Joint Education Program (JEP) utilizes preexisting, IACET accredited courses from both companies, and customizes learning tracks based on industry focus areas. The JEP includes a collection of required courses for a Certificate in Welding Technology and Materials Science. Students who register for the JEP are able to take courses at the historic ASM World Headquarters containing labs outfit- ted with state-of-the-art equipment and at Lincoln Electric’s 130,000-sq-ft Welding Technology & Training Center featur- ing 166 welding and cutting booths. For more information about the certificate program, visit https://bit.ly/2kOZWYf or call 440.338.5418. Seeking Nominations for EDFAS Awards The ASM Electronic Device Failure Analysis Society established two awards to recognize the accomplishments of its members. The awards will be presented at ISTFA 2020. Nominate a worthy colleague today! IMAT 2020 Update IMS Presents Microstructural Characterization at IMAT 2020 Daniel P. Dennies, IMS President The International Metallographic Society (IMS) will play a key role at IMAT 2020, a new multidisciplinary materials and applications conference organized by ASM and its partners. IMS is an Affiliate Society of ASM dedicated to promoting the science and art of microstructural characterization in all forms including metallography, optical microscopy, quantitative image anal- ysis, and other techniques. Under the leadership of the IMS IMAT 2020 chair, Donald Susan, IMS plans to have a significant presence at IMAT 2020 and looks forward to collaborating with the five other Affiliate Societies of ASM, as well as the other materials groups across the country to bring a high level of technical programming to this new conference and make it the go-to technical gathering of materials professionals in the future. The disciplines of metallography and microstructural characterization cut across all material types and all indus- tries. Understanding microstructure and its relationship to materials properties helps drive the cutting edge of indus- try, including lightweight technologies, smart materials, and additive manufacturing. It also supports investigative research in wide-ranging fields such as archaeometallurgy, ceramics/glasses, microelectronics, and alloy development including high-entropy alloys. Metallography and metallo- graphic interpretation is used in the full spectrum of mate- rials science, from quality control at steel mills to advanced sample preparation for electron backscatter diffraction in high-end research laboratories. In order to cover this all-encompassing field, a wide range of symposia and short course topics will be covered at IMAT 2020 including 1) the Correlation of Microstructure to Mechanical Properties, 2) Metallographic Preparation Tech- niques, and 3) Quantification and Simulation of Microstruc- tures and Properties. Selected papers may be considered for a future issue of the Metallography, Microstructure, and Analysis journal. IMS held its first annual technical meeting in 1968 and over the years has put on its own stand-alone conferences, as well as collaborative symposia with other materials soci- eties. An important part of the IMS calendar at IMAT 2020 will be the International Metallographic Contest, a vehicle for metallographers and researchers to display their skills and compete for the prestigious grand prize Jacquet-Lucas Award. In addition, each year IMS recognizes an outstand- ing person with the Sorby Award for lifetime contributions to the field of metallography. We look forward to both excellent technical program- ming and opportunities for social and career networking at the new IMAT 2020 conference. See you in Cleveland! Susan