October AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 5 8 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS Edward J. Dulis Scholarship The Edward J. Dulis Scholarship was established in 2003 and is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate member of ASM at the junior or senior level who demon- strates exemplary academic and personal achievements, as well as interest and potential in metallurgy or materials sci- ence and engineering. One scholar will receive a certificate and check for $1500 toward educational expenses for one academic year. Ramon Padin-Monroig University of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez Padin-Monroig is a senior mech- anical engineering student at the Uni- versity of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez with a materials science and engineering minor. His current research involves characterizing aluminum cerium alloys and the effects of heat treatments on these alloys, along with additions of magnesium and silicon. Through internships at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the Materials Design and Prototyp- ing Laboratory at the University of Florida, he has gained experience in advanced characterization methods and high-temperature alloys. John M. Haniak Scholarship The John M. Haniak Scholarship was established in 2003 and is awarded to an outstanding undergraduate member of ASM at the junior or senior level who demon- strates exemplary academic and personal achievements, as well as interest and potential in metallurgy or materials sci- ence and engineering. One scholar will receive a certificate and check for $1500 toward educational expenses for one academic year. Elizabeth Moroz Drexel University Moroz is a junior at Drexel Univer- sity, majoring in materials science and engineering. She spent her freshman summer conducting research on func- tional fabrics in the Shima Seiki Haute Tech Lab. The experience influenced her interests in the manufacturing and processing of materials to maximize desirable properties, such as highly conductive yarn that can be used to create flexible energy devices. Co-ops at Estee Lauder and John- son & Johnson Consumer Inc. confirmed her passion for research, development, and scale-up from laboratory to manufacturing environments. Margaret Showalter Named 2019 Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher The Teacher Award Committee of the ASM Materials Education Founda- tion is proud to announce the selection of Margaret Showalter of La Academia de Esperanza Charter School, New Mexico, as recipient of the 2019 Kishor M. Kulkarni Distinguished High School Teacher Award. The award, $2000 plus $500 to- ward travel to MS&T, was established in 2007 through a generous donation by Dr. Kishor M. Kulkarni, past trustee of ASM International, and his family to recog- nize the accomplishments of one U.S. high school science teacher who demonstrates a significant and sustained impact on pre-college age students. After graduating from an ASM Teacher Camp, Showal- ter has been instrumental in developing and sustaining the Albuquerque ASM Teacher Camp since 2003. Along with her colleagues, she develop a novel standards-based chemistry course, which draws on materials science examples. The course was initially adopted by five high schools in Albu- querque and serves as a model for a national curriculum initiative. Showalter teaches at a charter academy that focuses on an at-risk student population—most have failed out, dropped out, or been kicked out of traditional schools. She is proud to have designed a makerspace—collaborative work space—at her current school. Largely through Show- alter’s efforts, the school acquired over $75K in tools and equipment for the space to train students on 3D printers, laser cutters, lost wax casting, and CNC routers. The award was presented on September 30 at the ASM Leadership Awards Luncheon at MS&T19 in Portland, Ore. 2019 Undergraduate Design Competition Winners Announced The ASM Materials Education Foundation and Design Competition Committee are pleased to announce the winners of the 2019 Undergraduate Design Competition. First prize goes to Michigan Technological University for “Cobalt Reduction in Tribaloy T-400.” Team members include Kyle Hrubecky, Lucas Itchue, Jacob Thompson, Erin VanDusen, and advisors Walt Milligan and Paul Sanders. The team will receive $2000, $500 travel assistance for MS&T19, and $500 to the department to support future design teams. Second prize goes to the University of Nevada, Reno for “Designing Microscale Tests to Validate Macroscale Plas- tic Response in Cubic (Al) and Hexagonal (Mg) Lightweight Showalter