October AMP_Digital

HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 5 6 SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS centration. Since the beginning of her sophomore year, July has worked with the Ferrous Physical Metallurgy research group directed by Dr. Garcia at the University of Pittsburgh. She has worked on projects with microstructural analysis involving wear resistance, failure analysis, and heat treat- ment optimization. Emily Proehl University of Wisconsin-Madison Proehl is a senior studying mate- rials science and engineering at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She became fascinated by the field after attending an ASM Materials Camp at UW-Milwaukee. She has interned at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, study- ing tungsten for fusion reactors, and at NorthStar Medical Radioisotopes, researching a cleaning procedure for roug- ing of stainless steels. She was an R&D co-op at the Fisher Barton Technology Center and studied for a semester at the Hochschule fur Angewandte Wissenschaften in Germany. Alysen Townsley University of Alberta Townsley is entering her fifth year of studies in the materials engineering program at the University of Alberta. It is through this program that she discovered a passion for materials sci- ence. She serves as c o-president of the Materials Engineering Students’ Soci- ety and is a member of the school’s Bladesmithing Group, which competes at the TMS Bladesmithing Competition. She is currently working for Imperial Oil Ltd. to address brit- tle fracture concerns and improve equipment reliability. WilliamWelch University of California-Los Angeles Welch has been fascinated by the subject of sustainability since his first introduction to the subject in grade school. After nearly a decade of full-time volunteering, he returned to college to obtain a degree in mechan- ical engineering with an emphasis in sustainable research. As a junior at the University of Cal- ifornia-Los Angeles, he will conduct research related to achieving global sustainability, including the development of materials to enhance solar energy conversion and the optimal storage of captured solar energy. Acta Materialia Scholarships The Acta Materialia Scholarships were established in 2017 by Acta Materialia through its Board of Governors, as an expression of commitment to education and the mate- rials science and engineering community. Two scholars will each receive a certificate and check for $5000 toward educa- tional expenses for one academic year. Simon Munyan Penn State University Munyan became enamored with materials through practical experi- ence in glass blowing, blacksmith- ing, and 3D printing. After attending ASM’s regional and national Materials Camps, he decided to pursue a degree in materials science and engineering at Penn State. There, he began research on superconductiv- ity in thin film semiconductors. This past summer, he con- ducted research through the National Science Foundation’s Research Experience and Mentoring program. As a senior Schreyer Honors Scholar, he is an active member of Mate- rial Advantage. Natalie Wieber University of Tennessee Knoxville Wieber is entering her fourth year of undergraduate studies in materi- als science and engineering (MSE) at the University of Tennessee (UTK). She was first exposed to MSE during a high school engineering camp at UTK. She is the service chair for her Mate- rial Advantage Chapter, as well as the president of a service outreach organization that teaches children about additive manufacturing. She currently works at Oak Ridge National Laboratory characterizing binder jet-printed materials and developing post-printing heat treatments. David J. Chellman Scholarship The David J. Chellman Scholarship was established in 2014 by Mrs. Arline Denny in honor of her husband, a long-standing Senior Technical Fellow with Lockheed Mar- tin Corp. and ASM Life Member who enthusiastically served on the AeroMat Conference Organizing Committee for more than 25 years. The scholarship is an expression of his com- mitment to education and the materials science and engi- neering community, and is awarded based on academic merit and financial need. Tuition of $2500 for the academic year is awarded through this scholarship.