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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 4 1 SMST ANNOUNCES NEW OFFICERS AND BOARD MEMBERS The Shape Memory & Superelastic Technologies (SMST) board, at the recommendation of the SMST Awards and Nom- inations Committee, named new members Tom Duerig and Martin Wagner to serve on the SMST Board for the 2019-2022 term; and Kevin Eschen to serve as Student Board Member for a one-year term 2019-2020. Continuing on the board are Othmane Benafan (president), Jochen Ulmer (vice presi- dent/finance officer), and Jeremy Schaffer (immediate past president). Continuing on the board as members are Julianna Abel, Frederick Calkins, Parikshith Kumar, Adrian McMa- hon, Aaron Stebner, and Andreas Undisz. Retiring from the board are Samantha Daly, Michael Mitchell, and Ulrich Muerr- le. Alan Pelton is retiring from the board but will continue to be an advisor along with Darel Hodgson. Tom Duerig’s interests in this field began in 1980 after accidentally discovering a shape memory effect in beta titani- umalloys whileworking at Brown-Boveri in Switzerland. While not terribly practical as a shape memory alloy, this spurred him on to look at the beta bronzes and Nitinol. In 1983, he moved to Silicon Valley to work with Raychem, who at the time was the leading industrial effort in the field. While there, Duerig researched both beta brass alloys and various aspects of Nitinol. A keen belief that medical devices would ultimately be the breakout success for shape memory alloys led him to resign from Raychem in 1991 and found Nitinol Devices and Components (NDC). NDC was sold to Johnson & Johnson in 1997 and grew to over 400 employees. In May 2008, NDC was spun out from J&J to its employees and a few private inves- tors. Duerig has continued as president of NDC since its found- ing in 1991. Martin Wagner has been a full professor and chair of materials science at TU Chemnitz since early 2010. In 2012, he was also appointed as visiting professor at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. From 2014 to 2017, he was Speaker (i.e., the leading scientist) of a collaborative research center on ultrafine-grained aluminum alloys. The main topics of his research include fundamental experimental and theoretical work on shape memory alloys, twinning in structural and functional materials, equal-channel angular pressing (ECAP) methods for the production of ultrafine-grained materials, thermo-mechanical treatments of advanced high-strength steels, aluminum-based lightweight materials, dynamic test- ing, and strength and failure of hybrid compounds. Wagner has received many awards, including the Gold Ring of the Ger- man Engineering Society, awarded for SMA research. Kevin Eschen is a mechanical engineering Ph.D. can- didate at the University of Minnesota and works in Julianna Abel’s Design of Active Materials and Structures Laboratory. He moved to the U.S. after earning his bachelor’s degree at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany. His research empirically and numerically investigates the multiscale me- chanics of shape memory alloy knitted actuators. Duerig Wagner Eschen Benafan Ulmer Schaffer Abel Calkins Kumar McMahon Stebner Undisz 3 SHAPE MEMORY SOCIETY NEWS
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