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A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 4 0 SHAPEMEMORY ANDSUPERELASTIC TECHNOLOGIES ENABLE TRANSFORMATIVE DEVICES S hape memory materials have been around for decades and most of us have heard about them in journals or news articles. But do you know how these materials help save lives? Are you familiar with their critical role in space exploration? Or how they make your morning commute more comfortable? If not, the International Or- ganization on Shape Memory and Super- elastic Technologies (SMST) is a great place to start. SMST is an industry-driven organization that addresses the engineer- ing aspects and applications of shape memory alloys (SMAs) in the medical and actuator industries. Our mission is to help the shapememory community develop solutions to real world challenges, and we do it by promoting networking, education, and dissemination of SMST knowledge among entrepreneurs, scientists, engineers, and academics. It starts with the basic principles of phase transforma- tions and the underlying responses to different variables such as temperatures and stresses, which make these materials ex- hibit reversible shape changes. This phenomenon has enabled some of themost impressivematerial engineering solutions to date—and it still astounds even the lifelong members among us. Devices such as coils for cerebral aneurysms, stents for en- dovascular treatment, pipe couplings formilitary aircrafts, and actuators for Mars rovers are among the many applications benefiting from these materials. Our experienced profession- als, spanning from material suppliers to device manufactur- ers, are dedicated to further advancing this technology and preserving knowledge from past lessons learned. We do that in several ways. In May 2019, we held our 18th International SMST Con- ference and Exposition in Germany showcasing cutting-edge research, medical devices, and out-of-this-world applications, literally. Participants from over 25 countries joined this meet- ing toshare fresh results, learnabout industry trends, or attend one of our “transformative” educational courses. Historical- ly, the focus has largely centered on nickel-titanium SMAs and their derivatives, but this year we experienced growth in multiple fronts spanning new materials and applications. We welcome this expansion into new markets and it is now the emphasis of our upcoming SMST Entrepreneurial Workshop in May 2020. This one-and-a-half day SMST event will focus on SMA entrepreneurs across all fields where the technologists are put ahead of the technology itself. Education regarding startup success will be provided by technology and business experts through short talks and panel discussions. Networking events, including a pitch sessionwith live expert feedback, will engage both new and experienced SMA entrepreneurs. Mark your calendars now for this must-attend event: May 4-5, 2020, in Palm Springs, California. The face-to-face dialogue at these conferences is the best way to get to know this industry better. However, if attendance is not an option, you can still be part of the SMST community. In 2015, we launched the official journal of SMST— ShapeMem- ory and Superelasticity —which provides a forum for research- ers, scientists, and engineers to access information about shape memory materials. Looking ahead, we also created SMST Graduate Fellowships and student design challenges, which we believe are essential in training the future leaders and innovators in this exciting field. Our year-long educational courses are another way to stay current. Overall, SMST sets the standard in shape memory excellence, and I personally wel- come you to be part of it. In this inaugural issue of the SMST NewsWire, I would like to invite all of you to learn more about SMST. I also wish to thank our existing members for shaping this industry, and welcome new members to join this fascinating world of shape-changing materials. Othmane Benafan, Ph.D. President, International Organization on Shape Memory and Superelastic Technologies Benafan 2 GUEST EDITORIAL
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