October AMP_Digital
A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | O C T O B E R 2 0 1 9 2 5 methods, and suitable protection strat- egies and preventive measures can be derived. BAM is investigating environ- mental factors under test conditions for various AM processes and material clas- ses, such as particle emission spectros- copy during the building of structures using LPBF. STANDARDIZATION OF AM PROCESSES Standardization of AM process- es is progressing rapidly, reflected by the annual increase in the number of draft standards. Scientists at BAM are involved with relevant standardization committees and offer platforms for the exchange of ideas of experts; for exam- ple, for the establishment of additively manufactured pressure equipment in- cluding pipes, valves, and small pres- sure vessels made of metallic materials. Many particularly safety-relevant pres- sure vessels are covered by the Euro- pean Pressure Equipment Directive. To use the corresponding pressure equip- ment, manufacturing and testing in ac- cordance with this directive is required. However, there are currently no stan- dards for such additively manufactured pressure equipment on whichmanufac- turers or notified bodies can rely upon. Therefore, BAM is engaged in round- table discussions to exchange informa- Fig. 4 — Silicon-carbide (SiC) specimens produced using the layer slurry deposition (LSD) process.
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