HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 7 3 DEDICATION OF PARKER LABS Ribbon Cutting Celebrates Parker Labs On August 12, Parker Hannifin and ASM International officially dedicated two new laboratories located at ASM headquarters in Materials Park, Ohio. The Powder Charac- terization Lab and the Computed Tomography Lab were established due in large part to the partnership that Parker Hannifin formed with ASM, allowing key equipment to be acquired for use in the evaluation of additively manufac- tured (AM) metal parts. A ceremony was held at ASM International to celebrate the launch of the new capabilities and thank Parker Han- nifin for their support in making these new facilities a real- ity. Parker Hannifin is the founding client member of ASM’s Materials Solutions Network and engaged with ASM on work related to additive manufacturing. The new labs will help drive innovation and increase knowledge in this developing field, as well as provide an excellent educational resource to the approximately 1000 students enrolled in various AM courses on an annual basis. Clemens Named 2019 Sorby Lecturer Professor Helmut Clemens has been named the 2019 Henry Clifton Sorby Awardee. The 44th Sorby win- ner is head of physical metallurgy and metallic materials at the Montanuni- versität Leoben, Austria. Prof. Clemens is well known for his research work in the field of intermetallic titanium alu- minides for high-temperature applica- tions. Employing innovative research methods, he and his group developed advanced “materialographic preparation methods,” which were instrumental in improvement of properties for these lightweight structural materials. His awards include the Grand Prize in Excellence in Metallography from the American Powder Metallurgy Institute International (U.S.), the Great Medal of Styria (SE Austria), and the Honda Prize (Japan). He has authored over 600 publications and organized numerous conferences, including the International Metallography Conference in Leoben. Prof. Clemens will present his Sorby Lecture during MS&T in Portland, Ore., on Tuesday, October 1, 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. at the Oregon Convention Center. His lecture title is “Development and Characterization of High-performance Materials by Means of Cross-scale Metallography and Com- plementary Methods.” The Sorby Award is presented annually in recognition of lifetime achievement in the field of metallurgy. Recipi- ents are acknowledged for 25 years or more of dedication to research, teaching, and/or laboratory sales and service. Craig Maxwell, Parker Hannifin’s chief technology officer, has the honor of cutting the ribbon on the new Computed Tomography Lab at ASM headquarters. Nigel Benn, ASM Director, Materials Solutions Network, and Bill Mahoney, ASM CEO, assist. During a tour of the Parker Hannifin Computed Tomography Lab, Pete Ditzel (left) and Brad Hartley of Parker Aerospace, Gas Turbine Division, examine an AM component that has been CT scanned in the lab. ASM Historical Landmark Finds Proper Home Materion Corp. found a fitting home for its ASM His- torical Landmark plaque earned in 2018 by the company’s Elmore plant in Ohio. Randy Drummond, Elmore plant manager, coordinated with Robert Dalton, Materion’s Delta, Utah, plant manager, to arrange a cross-country effort. They excavated a large rock (rhyolite) from a Utah mine and relo- cated it to the Elmore site to showcase the historical marker.
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