HIGHL IGHTS A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 6 9 2019 CLASS OF FELLOWS Dr. Richard McSwain, FASM President McSwain Engineering Inc. Pensacola, Fla. In recognition of a distinguished career committed to the factual inves- tigation of materials failures and to the development and promulgation of forensic tools and standardized processes and for educating and men- toring young professionals in the field of materials failure analysis. Dr. Walter William Milligan, Jr., FASM Professor Michigan Technological University Materials Science and Engineering Houghton For outstanding research accom- plishments in understanding and mod- eling the fundamental deformation behavior of ultrafine-grain metals and nickel-base superalloys. Dr. Robert Barrett Pond, Jr., FASM Senior Lecturer Loyola University Maryland Baltimore For excellence and dedication to the education of college and high school students in materials, metal- lurgical, and mechanical engineering fields. Dr. Raul Basilio Rebak, FASM Principal Engineer GE Global Research Center Schenectady, N.Y. For contributions to the safety of nuclear power generation through his understanding of corrosion in nuclear materials and for utilizing that knowl- edge for the continuing development of accident tolerant fuels while also mentoring many stu- dents and young professionals. Mr. David Paul Rice, FASM Research and Development Portfolio Management Newport News Shipbuilding Smithfield, Va. For sustained leadership and contributions in the development and application of advanced materials in the naval shipbuilding industry. Prof. Jeffrey Mitchell Rickman, FASM Professor Lehigh University Bethlehem, Pa. For significant contributions in computational materials science of defects and phase transformations, pioneering work on materials infor- matics, and distinguished service to the materials science community. Dr. John P. Shingledecker, FASM Senior Technical Executive Enabling Technologies and Advanced Generation Electric Power Research Institute Charlotte, N.C. For outstanding world leader- ship in the development, testing, and commercial production of high tem- perature alloys for advanced power generation systems. Dr. Thiyagarajan Sundararajan, FASM Senior General Manager and Head Wheels India Limited Chennai, India For notable and impactful contri- butions in the fields of corrosion sci- ence, surface engineering, materials, and product and process development in the biomedical, energy, and auto- motive industries. Prof. Robert Vaßen, FASM Head of Materials for Power Plants Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany For innovative developments in thermal spray materials and technol- ogy leading to knowledge transfer and successful implementation for energy system applications.
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