
FEATURE A D V A N C E D M A T E R I A L S & P R O C E S S E S | S E P T E M B E R 2 0 1 9 5 4 as data acquisition and accompanying metallurgical model- ling computer software. He became president of Marathon in 1991, later leaving in 1998 to join Bodycote International as a corporate development manager. McCurdy participated in Bodycote’s acquisition of a number of heat treatment com- panies. In 2005, McCurdy headed the expansion of Bodycote into China. In 2009, he became president of Bodycote’s Auto- motive and General Industrial Division (North America and Asia), which included more than 30 plants. He remained in this role until his retirement in June 2019. McCurdy is a regis- tered professional engineer in Ohio. TheBodeenAwardwill be presentedat theHTSGeneral Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, at the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition in Detroit. JONES RECEIVES 2019 ASM/HTS SURFACE COMBUSTION EMERGING LEADER AWARD Established in 2013, the ASM/HTS Surface Combustion Emerging Leader award recognizes an outstanding ear- ly-to-midcareer heat treating profes- sional whose accomplishments exhibit exceptional achievements in the heat treating industry. The award acknowl- edges an individual who sets the high- est standards for ASM Heat Treating Society participation, and inspires oth- ers to dedicate themselves to the advancement and promo- tion of vacuum and atmosphere heat treating technologies such as carburizing, carbonitriding, nitriding, annealing, and through hardening. The award will be presented at the HTS General Membership Meeting on Wednesday, October 16, at the ASM Heat Treating Society Conference and Exposition in Detroit. Trevor Jones, CEO at Solar Manufacturing Inc., Soud- erton, Pa., is recognized for his “main focus centered largely on developing low pressure carburizing, vacuum purge gas nitriding processes, and the engineering required to ensure these essential processes are viable.” JUDGE WINS 2019 HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING AWARD The winner of the 2019 ASM HTS/ Bodycote Best Paper in Heat Treating Award is entitled, “Rapid Tempering: Opportunities and Challenges” by Vir- ginia Judge, a Ph.D. student in met- allurgical and materials engineering at the Colorado School of Mines. Her graduate work is funded by an indus- trial consortium organized through the Advanced Steel Processing and Prod- ucts Research Center (ASPPRC), and focuses on the effects of rapid tempering on microstructural and mechanical proper- ties ofmediumcarbon, high strength steel. The awardwill be presented to Judge during an ASM Rocky Mountain Chapter meeting this fall. SOLICITING PAPERS FOR ASM HTS/BODYCOTE BEST PAPER IN HEAT TREATING CONTEST The ASM HTS/Bodycote award was established by HTS in 1997 to recognize a paper that represents advancement in heat treating technology, promotes heat treating in a sub- stantial way, or represents a clear advancement in manag- ing the business of heat treating. The award is endowed by Bodycote Thermal Process-North America. The contest is open to all students, in full-time or part- time education, at universities (or their equivalent) or col- leges. It is also open to those students who have graduated within the past three years andwhose paper describes work completed while an undergraduate or post-graduate stu- dent. The winner receives a plaque and a check for $2500. To view rules for eligibility and paper submission, visit , Membership & Network- ing, and Society Awards. Paper submission deadline is March 1, 2020. Submissions should be sent to Mary Anne Jerson, ASM Heat Treating Society, 9639 Kinsman Rd., Materials Park, OH 44073, 440.338.5447 or maryanne. . Jones Judge 6 H T EATING SOCIETY NEWS The ASMHeat Treating Society (HTS) focuses on ther- mal processing of metals and materials. HTS members leverage this network of professionals to share technical information, industry knowledge, and best practices, and to recognize outstanding achievements and distinguished performance of fellowmembers. For more information: memberservicecenter@ or 440.338.5151 ext. 0. JOIN ONLINE: