EXPENSES K-12 Teacher Resources (Incl. Materials Camps) $ 520,509 Undergraduate Programs $ 207,461 K-12 Student Programs $ 123,930 Scholarships & Grants $ 108,733 Fundraising $ 162,482 Administrative / Investment Fees $ 160,309 Governance $ 76,763 TOTAL $1,360,187 38 % 15 % 12 % 12 % 6 % 8 % 9 % REVENUE Contributions $ 1,019,684 Investment Income $ 426,578 This camp has been a fantastic experience not only because of how much I learned, but also because of how enjoyable it was to make friends and spend time with many like-minded people. The instructors are better than any teacher I have had. In just one week, they taught us how to run many tests, examine and recognize metals, use powerful microscopes, and create castings of metals. - 2018 Eisenman Camp Participant TOTAL $1,446,262 71 % 29 % 7 “ “
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